well 英 [wel]   美 [wɛl]


well  英 [wel] 美 [wɛl]

adv. 很好地;  adj. 良好的;健康的;  n. 井;源泉 

进行时:welling  过去式:welled  过去分词:welled  第三人称单数:wells  名词复数:wells 

How well you look! 你看来多么健康啊!
Things are going well. 事情进展顺利

  • When you do something well, you do it in a good or satisfactory way. You can say, "I did really well on my French test," or "Finally, I slept well last night."
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  • adv. 很好地;
  • adj. 良好的;健康的;
  • n. 井;源泉
  • v. 涌出
  • 1. How well you look!


  • 2. Things are going well.


  • 3. The castle is well worth a visit.


  • 4. He's well able to take care of himself.


  • 5. Well done!


  • 6. She took it very well


  • 7. a deep well in the ground


  • 8. Tears were welling up in her eyes.


  • well (adv.) "in a satisfactory manner," Old English wel "abundantly, very, very much; indeed, to be sure; with good reason; nearly, for the most part," from Proto-Germanic *welo- (source also of Old Saxon wela, Old Norse vel, Old Frisian wel, Dutch wel, Old High German wela, German wohl, Gothic waila "well"), from PIE root *wel- (2) "to wish, will" (source also of Sanskrit prati varam "at will," Old Church Slavonic vole "well," Welsh gwell "better," Latin velle "to wish, will," Old English willan "to wish;" see will (v.)).
  • well (n.) "hole dug for water, spring of water," Old English wielle (West Saxon), welle (Anglian) "spring of water, fountain," from wiellan (see well (v.)). "As soon as a spring begins to be utilized as a source of water-supply it is more or less thoroughly transformed into a well" [Century Dictionary]. Figurative sense of "source from which anything is drawn" was in Old English.
  • well (v.) "to spring, rise, gush," Old English wiellan (Anglian wællan), causative of weallan "to boil, bubble up, rise (in reference to a river)" (class VII strong verb; past tense weoll, past participle weallen), from Proto-Germanic *wall- "roll" (source also of Old Saxon wallan, Old Norse vella, Old Frisian walla, Old High German wallan, German wallen, Gothic wulan "to bubble, boil"), from PIE root *wel- (3) "to turn, revolve," on notion of "roiling or bubbling water."
well / wel ; NAmE wel / adverb , adjective , exclamation , noun , verb well better best adverb ( bet·ter / ˈbetə(r) ; NAmE ˈbetər / best / best ; NAmE best / ) 1 in a good, right or acceptable way 好;对;令人满意地 The kids all behaved well. 孩子们都很有礼貌。 The conference was very well organized. 这次会议组织得很好。 Well done! (= expressing admiration for what sb has done) 干得好! His campaign was not going well. 他的竞选活动进展得不顺利。 These animals make very good pets if treated well (= with kindness). 这些动物受到爱护就会很温顺。 People spoke well of (= spoke with approval of)him. 人们对他的评价很高。 She took itvery well (= did not react too badly),all things considered. 总的说来,她承受得还挺不错。 They lived well (= in comfort and spending a lot of money)and were generous with their money. 他们生活优裕,花钱大方。 She was determined to marry well (= marry sb rich and/or with a high social position). 她决意嫁给有钱有势的人。 2 thoroughly and completely 完全地;彻底地;全部地 Add the lemon juice and mix well. 加进柠檬汁并搅拌均匀。 The surface must be well prepared before you start to paint. 一定要把表面打磨好再开始粉刷。 How well do you know Carla? 你跟卡拉有多熟? He's well able to take care of himself. 他完全能够自理。 ( BrE) ( informal) I was well annoyed, I can tell you. 我跟你说吧,我那时气坏了。 3 to a great extent or degree 很;相当;大大地;远远地 He was driving at well over the speed limit. 他当时开车的速度远远超过了限制。 a well-loved tale 深受喜爱的故事 The castle is well wortha visit. 这座城堡很值得参观。 He liked her well enough (= to a reasonable degree)but he wasn't going to make a close friend of her. 他够喜欢她的,但并不打算和她结为密友。 4 can/could well easily 容易地;轻松地 She could well afford to pay for it herself. 她自己完全买得起。 5 can/could/may/might well probably 很可能 You may well be right. 你很可能是对的。 It may well be thatthe train is delayed. 火车很可能晚点了。 6 can/could/may/might well with good reason 有充分理由;合理地 I can't very wellleave now. 我现在离开不太合适。 I couldn't very wellrefuse to help them, could I? 我没有理由拒绝帮助他们,是不是? ‘What are we doing here?’ ‘ You may well ask (= I don't really know either). “我们在这儿干什么呢?”“你算问对了(我也不知道)。” IDIOMS as well (as sb/sth) in addition to sb/sth; too 除…之外;也;还 Are they coming as well? 他们也来吗? They sell books as well as newspapers. 他们既卖报也卖书。 She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer. 她不但是个摄影师而且还是个天才的音乐家。 note at also be doing ˈwell to be getting healthier after an illness; to be in good health after a birth (病后)康复,恢复良好;(产后)平安,健康 Mother and baby are doing well. 母子平安。 (you, etc.) may/might as well be hanged/hung for a ˌsheep as (for) a ˈlamb ( saying) if you are going to be punished for doing sth wrong, whether it is a big or small thing, you may as well do the big thing 与其偷羊羔被绞死,不如偷只羊;一不做,二不休 be well on the way to sth/doing sth to have nearly achieved sth and be going to achieve it soon 即将达到;将要成就 She is well on the way to recovery. 她就要康复了。 He is well on the way to establishing himself among the top ten players in the world. 他很快就会成为排名世界前十位的选手。 be ˌwell ˈout of sth ( BrE) ( informal) to be lucky that you are not involved in sth 幸运地与…无关;幸亏没有卷入 be ˌwell ˈup in sth to know a lot about sth 精通;熟悉 He's well up in all the latest developments. 他对所有的最新发展情况都了如指掌。 do ˈwell to be successful 成功 Jack is doing very well at school. 杰克在学校里学习成绩斐然。 do ˈwell by sb to treat sb generously 善待;慷慨对待 do ˈwell for yourself to become successful or rich 成功;发家致富 do ˈwell out of sb/sth to make a profit or get money from sb/sth 获利于;从…中获取钱财 do ˈwell to do sth to be sensible or wise to do sth 做…明智(或聪明) He would do well toconcentrate more on his work. 他最好还是更加集中精力在工作上。 You did well to sell when the price was high. 你在价钱高的时候出售,真明智。 leave/let well aˈlone ( BrE) ( NAmE let well enough aˈlone ) to not get involved in sth that does not concern you 不管闲事;事不关己高高挂起 When it comes to other people's arguments, it's better to leave well alone. 遇到别人争论时,最好别插嘴。 may/might (just) as well do sth to do sth because it seems best in the situation that you are in, although you may not really want to do it 做…倒也无妨;只好做(某事) If no one else wants it, we might as well give it to him. 如果没人要这个,我们不妨给他吧。 ˌwell and ˈtruly ( informal) completely 完全;彻底 By that time we were well and truly lost. 那时候我们已经完全迷路了。 ˈwell away ( BrE) ( informal) 1 having made good progress 有很大进步;大有进展 If we got Terry to do that, we'd be well away. 假若我们让特里干这事,我们就会有很大成绩。 2 drunk or fast asleep 酒醉;沉睡 ˌwell ˈin (with sb) ( informal) to be good friends with sb, especially sb important 是某人(尤指要人)的好友 She seems to be well in with all the right people. 她似乎和所有大人物都关系很好。 more at bloody 1 , fucking , jolly adv. , know v. , mean v. , pretty adv. adjective ( bet·ter / ˈbetə(r) ; NAmE ˈbetər / best / best ; NAmE best / ) 1 [not usually before noun ] in good health 健康;身体好 I don't feelvery well. 我觉得身体不太好。 Is she well enough to travel? 她身体怎么样,能够旅行吗? Get well soon! (= for example, on a card) 愿早日康复! I'm better now, thank you. 我现在好些了,谢谢您。 ( informal) He's not a well man. 他身体不太好。 2 [not before noun ] in a good state or position 状态良好;情况良好 It seems that all is not wellat home. 看来家中并非事事如意。 All's well that ends well (= used when sth has ended happily, even though you thought it might not). 结果好就算一切都好。 3 [not before noun ] (as) well(to do sth) sensible; a good idea 明智;可取;好主意 It would be just as wellto call and say we might be late. 还是打个电话说一声我们可能到得晚些比较好。 ( formal) It would be well to start early. 最好还是早点动身。 IDIOMS ˌall very ˈwell (for sb) (to do sth) ( informal) used to criticize or reject a remark that sb has made, especially when they were trying to make you feel happier about sth (用于批评或反驳)某人尽可做某事 It's all very well for you to say it doesn't matter, but I've put a lot of work into this and I want it to be a success. 你说这无所谓当然容易,可是我却已经花费很大力气而且想要取得成功。 ˌall well and ˈgood ( informal) quite good but not exactly what is wanted 好倒是好(但并不完全合乎心意) That's all well and good, but why didn't he call her to say so? 那好倒是好,可是他为什么不给她打电话这样说呢? exclamation 1 used to express surprise, anger or relief (表示惊奇、愤怒或宽慰)哎呀,哟,啊,好啦 Well, well—I would never have guessed it! 哟,哟,我怎么也不会猜到那儿去! Well, really!What a thing to say! 啊,真是的!这么说太不像话了! Well, thank goodness that's over! 好啦,谢天谢地,这件事总算过去了! 2 used to show that you accept that sth cannot be changed (承认某事不可改变)唉,好吧 Well, it can't be helped. 唉,这没有办法。 ‘We lost.’ ‘ Oh, well.Better luck next time.’ “我们输了。”“啊,算了。愿下次交好运。” 3 used to agree to sth, rather unwillingly (勉强同意)嗯,好吧 Well, I suppose I could fit you in at 3.45. 好吧,我想可以在 3:45 见你。 Oh, very well,then, if you insist. 啊,那好吧,如果你坚持的话。 4 used when continuing a conversation after a pause (停顿后继续交谈)唔,这个,噢 Well, as I was saying… 噢,我刚才是说… 5 used to say that sth is uncertain (表示不肯定)哦 ‘Do you want to come?’ ‘Well, I'm not sure.’ “你想来吗?”“哦,我还说不准。” 6 used to show that you are waiting for sb to say sth (等待别人说话)嘿,嗨 Well? Are you going to tell us or not? 嗯?你想不想告诉我们? 7 used to mark the end of a conversation (结束交谈)就这样,好啦 Well, I'd better be going now. 就这样,我现在该走了。 8 used when you are pausing to consider your next words (说话时稍微停顿)对了,噢 I think it happened, well, towards the end of last summer. 我想事情发生在,对了,快到上个夏末的时候。 9 used when you want to correct or change sth that you have just said (纠正或改变刚说过的话时用) There were thousands of people there—well, hundreds, anyway. 那里有数以千计的人,噢,至少几百人。 IDIOM well I ˈnever (ˈdid)! ( old-fashioned) used to express surprise (表示惊奇)哟,我可从未做过(或听说过)这样的事 more at say v. noun 1 a deep hole in the ground from which people obtain water. The sides of wellsare usually covered with brick or stone and there is usually some covering or a small wall at the top of the well. 井;水井 2 = oil well 3 a narrow space in a building that drops down from a high to a low level and usually contains stairs or a lift/elevator 楼梯井;电梯井道 see also stairwell 4 ( BrE) the space in front of the judge in a court, where the lawyers sit (法庭中的)律师席 verb 1 [intransitive ] well(up) (of a liquid 液体 ) to rise to the surface of sth and start to flow 涌出;冒出;流出;溢出 Tears were welling up in her eyes. 她热泪盈眶。 2 [intransitive ] well(up) ( literary) (of an emotion 情感 ) to become stronger 涌起;迸发 Hate welled up inside him as he thought of the two of them together. 他一想到他们俩在一起就恨得咬牙切齿。 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 well all right OK fine healthy strong fit These words all describe sb who is not ill and is in good health. 以上各词均形容人健康、身体好。 well [not usually before noun] ( rather informal) in good health 指健康、身体好: I'm not feeling very well. 我感觉身体不太好。 Is he well enough to travel? 他身体怎么样,能够旅行吗? NOTE Wellis used especially to talk about your own health, to ask sb about their health or to make a comment on it. *well 尤用以谈自己的健康、询问别人的健康或谈论身体情况。 all right [not before noun] ( rather informal) not feeling ill; not injured 指感觉身体还好、没有生病、没有受伤: Are you feeling all right? 你感觉还好吗? OK [not before noun] ( informal) not feeling ill; not injured 指感觉身体还好、没有生病、没有受伤: She says she's OK now, and will be back at work tomorrow. 她说她现在身体还可以,明天就回来上班。 all right or ok? 用 all right 还是 OK? These words are slightly less positive than the other words in this group. They are both used in spoken English to talk about not actually being ill or injured, rather than being positively in good health. Both are rather informal but OKis slightly more informal than all right. 上述两词比同组其他词的肯定含意稍弱一些,两词均用于英语口语中,指没有生病、安然无恙,而非确定身体健康;两词均相当非正式,不过 OK 较 all right 还要非正式些。 fine [not before noun] (not used in negative statements) ( rather informal) completely well (不用于否定句)指身体很好、健康: ‘How are you?’ ‘Fine, thanks.’ “你好吗?”“很好,谢谢。” NOTE Fineis used especially to talk about your health, especially when sb asks you how you are. It is also used to talk about sb's health when you are talking to sb else. Unlike wellit is not often used to ask sb about their health or make a comment on it. *fine 尤用于回应别人的询问,表示自己身体很健康;与人谈话时,亦可用以指另一人身体健康。与 well 不一样,fine 通常不用于询问别人的身体状况或者谈论身体情况: Are you keeping fine? healthy in good health and not likely to become ill 指健康、健壮: Keep healthy by exercising regularly. 经常锻炼以保持健康。 strong in good health and not suffering from an illness 指健康、身体好: After a few weeks she was feeling stronger. 几周之后她感觉身体好些了。 NOTE Strongis often used to talk about becoming healthy again after an illness. *strong 常用以指病后恢复健康。 fit ( especially BrE) in good physical health, especially because you take regular physical exercise 指健壮,尤指因经常锻炼而身体健康: I go swimming every day in order to keep fit. 我每天游泳以保持健康。 PATTERNS all right/OK/fit forsth all right/OK/fit to do sth to feel / feel well/all right/OK/fine/healthy/strong/fit to keep (sb)well/healthy/fit perfectlywell/all right/OK/fine/healthy/fit physicallywell/healthy/strong/fit GRAMMAR POINT 语法说明 well Compound adjectives beginning with wellare generally written with no hyphen when they are used alone after a verb, but with a hyphen when they come before a noun. 以 well 开头的复合形容词单独用于动词后一般不用连字符,但用于名词前要用连字符: She is well dressed. 她衣着入时。 a well-dressed woman 穿着考究的女人 The forms without hyphens are given in the entries in the dictionary, but forms with hyphens can be seen in some examples. 本词典的词条给出了无连字符的形式,有连字符的形式则可在某些例句中见到。 The comparative and superlative forms of these are usually formed with betterand best. 这些复合形容词的比较级和最高级通常由 better 和 best 构成: better-known poets 较著名的诗人 the best-dressed person in the room 这屋里穿着最考究的人 well / wel ; NAmE wel / bet·ter / ˈbetə(r) ; NAmE ˈbetər / best / best ; NAmE best /
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