vamp 英 [væmp]   美 [væmp]


vamp  英 [væmp] 美 [væmp]

vt. 修补;拼凑  vi. 即席伴奏  n. 鞋面;荡妇 

进行时:vamping  过去式:vamped  过去分词:vamped  第三人称单数:vamps  名词复数:vamps 

Bonus sexy points: She's a vamp with a heart of gold, which is definitely better than a vamp with, say, a heart of daggers. 性感评价:她有一颗像金子般美好的心,这无疑使她超越了其他心如匕首般锋利的吸血鬼。
Around him his classmates vamp it up for the camera, dressed in their finest finery, lounging on sofas in the palatial home of one of the students. 同学们聚在他的周围准备好拍照,他们穿着自己最好的衣服,懒洋洋的坐在沙发里,而周围宫殿一样的环境是一位同学的家。

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  • vt. 修补;拼凑
  • vi. 即席伴奏
  • n. 鞋面;荡妇
  • 1. Bonus sexy points: She's a vamp with a heart of gold, which is definitely better than a vamp with, say, a heart of daggers.


  • 2. Around him his classmates vamp it up for the camera, dressed in their finest finery, lounging on sofas in the palatial home of one of the students.


  • 3. Designer Christian Louboutin Petal Sandals Light Pink is a kind of pink sandals with buckle detail at ankle strap, two petals along vamp, a round open toe .


  • vamp (n.1) "upper of a shoe or boot," 1650s, earlier "part of a stocking that covers the foot and ankle" (c. 1200), from Anglo-French *vaumpé, from Old French avantpié "vamp of a shoe," from avant "in front" (see avant) + pié "foot," from Latin pes "foot" (from PIE root *ped- "foot").
  • vamp (n.2) "seductive woman who exploits men," 1911, short for vampire. First attested use is earlier than the release of the Fox film "A Fool There Was" (January 1915), with sultry Theda Bara in the role of The Vampire. The movie was based on a play of that name that had been on Broadway in 1909 (title and concept from a Kipling poem, "The Vampire," inspired by a Burne-Jones painting). The stage lead seems to have been played by Kathryn Kaelred and Bernice Golden Henderson. At any rate, Bara (born Theodosia Goodman) remains the classic vamp and the word's wide currency is attributable to her performance.
  • vamp (v.) "extemporize on a piano," 1789, from vamp (n.1) "upper part of a shoe or boot," via verbal sense of "provide a stocking (later a shoe) with a new vamp" (1590s), then "patch up, repair" (compare revamp). Related: Vamped; vamping.
vamp / væmp ; NAmE væmp / noun ( old-fashioned, disapproving) a sexually attractive woman who tries to control men 妖妇(利用色相控制男性) vamp vamps vamped vamping vamp / væmp ; NAmE væmp /
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