speech 英 [spi:tʃ]   美 [spitʃ]


speech  英 [spi:tʃ] 美 [spitʃ]

n. 演讲;讲话 


to give a speech on human rights,make a speech on human rights, deliver a speech on human rights 就人权问题发表演讲
Several people made speeches at the wedding. 有几个人在婚礼上讲了话。

  • When you say something out loud, that's speech. When you give a speech, you say a lot of things in front of a group. Maybe you should open with a joke?
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  • n. 演讲;讲话
  • 1. to give a speech on human rights,make a speech on human rights, deliver a speech on human rights


  • 2. Several people made speeches at the wedding.


  • 3. I seemed to have lost the power of speech.


  • 4. This expression is used mainly in speech, not in writing.


  • 5. She has the longest speech in the play.


  • speech (n.) Old English spæc "act of speaking; power of speaking; manner of speaking; statement, discourse, narrative, formal utterance; language," variant of spræc, from Proto-Germanic *sprek-, *spek- (source also of Danish sprog, Old Saxon spraca, Old Frisian spreke, Dutch spraak, Old High German sprahha, German Sprache "speech;" see speak (v.))
speech / spiːtʃ ; NAmE spiːtʃ / noun 1 [countable ] speech(on/about sth) a formal talk that a person gives to an audience 演说;讲话;发言 to give/make/deliver a speechon human rights 就人权问题发表演讲 He made the announcement in a speechon television. 他在一次电视讲话中发表了这一声明。 Several people made speeches at the wedding. 有几个人在婚礼上讲了话。 2 [uncountable ] the ability to speak 说话的能力 I seemed to have lost the power of speech. 我好像话都说不出来了。 a speech defect 言语能力缺陷 freedom of speech (= the right to say openly what you think) 言论自由 3 [uncountable ] the way in which a particular person speaks 说话方式 Her speech was slurred—she was clearly drunk. 她说话含混不清,她显然是喝醉了。 4 [uncountable ] the language used when speaking 口语 This expression is used mainly in speech, not in writing. 这种表达主要用于口语,而不是书面语。 speech sounds 语音 5 [countable ] a group of lines that an actor speaks in a play in the theatre (戏剧中的)台词 She has the longest speech in the play. 在这部剧中,她的台词最长。 see also figure of speech SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 speech lecture address talk sermon These are all words for a talk given to an audience. 以上各词均指讲话、发言。 speech a formal talk given to an audience 指演说、讲话、发言: Several people made speeches at the wedding. 有几个人在婚礼上讲了话。 lecture a talk given to a group of people to tell them about a particular subject, often as part of a university or college course 通常指大学里的讲座、讲课、演讲: a lecture on the Roman army 关于罗马军队的讲座 a course/series of lectures 讲座课程;系列讲座 address a formal speech given to an audience 指演说、演讲: a televised presidential address 总统的电视演讲 speech or address? 用 speech 还是 address? A speechcan be given on a public or private occasion; an addressis always public. *speech 指公开或私下场合的讲话均可,而 address 总是指公开的演讲: He gave an address at the wedding. talk a fairly informal session in which sb tells a group of people about a subject 指相当不正式的报告、演讲: She gave an interesting talk on her visit to China. 她做了个关于她在中国访问的有趣报告。 sermon a talk on a moral or religious subject, usually given by a religious leader during a service 指布道、讲道: to preach a sermon 布道 PATTERNS a long / long speech/lecture/address/talk/sermon a keynotespeech/lecture/address to write / write a(n) speech/lecture/address/talk/sermon to attend / attend a lecture/talk speech speeches speech / spiːtʃ ; NAmE spiːtʃ /
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