pull 英 [pʊl]   美 [ pʊl]


pull  英 [pʊl] 美 [ pʊl]

vt. 拉;拔;拖  vi. 拉,拖;拔  n. 拉,拉绳;拉力,牵引力;拖 

进行时:pulling  过去式:pulled  过去分词:pulled  第三人称单数:pulls  名词复数:pulls 

The girl is pulling the cart. 那女孩拉着手推车。
Stop pulling her hair! 别揪她头发!

  • To pull is to use force to drag or yank something toward you. You might pull a rolling suitcase as you run to catch your train, for example.
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  • vt. 拉;拔;拖
  • vi. 拉,拖;拔
  • n. 拉,拉绳;拉力,牵引力;拖
  • 1. The girl is pulling the cart.


  • 2. Stop pulling her hair!


  • 3. Pull the door shut.


  • 4. Don't pull the trigger!


  • 5. You push and I'll pull.


  • 6. Pull the curtains—it's dark outside.


  • 7. Pull your chair nearer the table.


  • pull (n.) c. 1300, "a fishing net;" mid-14c., "a turn at pulling," from pull (v.). From mid-15c. as "an act of pulling." Meaning "personal or private influence" is by 1889, American English, from earlier sense "power to pull (and not be pulled by)" a rival or competitor (1580s).
  • pull (v.) c. 1300, "to move forcibly by pulling, to drag," from Old English pullian "to pluck off (wool), to draw out," of unknown origin, perhaps related to Low German pulen "remove the shell or husk," Frisian pûlje "to shell, husk," Middle Dutch polen "to peel, strip," Icelandic pula "work hard." Related: Pulled; pulling.
pull / pʊl ; NAmE pʊl / verb , noun pull pulls pulled pulling verb move/remove sth 移动╱挪走某物 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to hold sth firmly and use force in order to move it or try to move it towards yourself 拉;拽;扯;拖 You push and I'll pull. 你推,我拉。 Don't pull so hard or the handle will come off. 别太使劲拉,不然把手会脱落。 pullat/on sth I pulled on the rope to see if it was secure. 我抻了抻绳子看看是否牢固。 pullsth Stop pulling her hair! 别揪她头发! pullsb/sth + adv./prep. She pulled him gently towards her. 她把他轻轻地拉到身边。 pullsth + adj. Pull the door shut. 把门拉上。 2 [transitive ] pullsth (+ adv./prep.) to remove sth from a place by pulling 拔出;抽出 Pull the plug out. 把插头拔掉。 She pulled off her boots. 她脱下了靴子。 He pulled a gun on me (= took out a gun and aimed it at me). 他拔出枪来指着我。 3 [transitive ] pullsb/sth + adv./prep. to move sb/sth in a particular direction by pulling (向某方向)拖,拉动 Pull your chair nearer the table. 把你的椅子再往桌子拉近些。 He pulled on his sweater. 他套上了毛衣。 She took his arm and pulled him along. 她抓起他的胳膊,拉着他往前走。 4 [transitive ] pullsth to hold or be attached to sth and move it along behind you 将…拖在身后;拉;牵引 In this area oxen are used to pull carts. 这个地区用牛拉车。 body 身体 5 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to move your body or a part of your body in a particular direction, especially using force 扭转;移开;抽回 + adv./prep. He tried to kiss her but she pulled away. 他想吻她,但她却扭开了身子。 pullsth/yourself + adv./prep. The dog snapped at her and she quickly pulled back her hand. 那狗要咬她,她马上把手缩了回来。 pullsth/yourself + adj. John pulledhimself freeand ran off. 约翰脱身跑掉了。 curtains 帘;幔 6 [transitive ] pullsth to open or close curtains, etc. 拉上;收拢 SYN draw Pull the curtains—it's dark outside. 外边天黑了,把窗帘拉上。 muscle 肌肉 7 [transitive ] pullsth to damage a muscle, etc. by using too much force 拉伤;扭伤;抻 to pull a muscle/ligament/tendon 扭伤肌肉╱肌腱╱韧带 synonyms at injure switch 开关 8 [transitive ] pullsth to move a switch, etc. towards yourself or down in order to operate a machine or piece of equipment 扳动;拉;扣 Pull the lever to start the motor. 拉动手柄启动马达。 Don't pull the trigger! 别扣扳机! vehicle/engine 车辆;引擎 9 [intransitive ,  transitive ] ~ (sth) to the right/the left/one side to move or make a vehicle move sideways (使车辆)转向,打斜 The wheel is pulling to the left. 方向盘正在向左打。 She pulled the car to the right to avoid the dog. 她把汽车向右一闪,好躲开那条狗。 10 [intransitive ] (of an engine 发动机 ) to work hard and use a lot of power 吃力地运转 The old car pulled hard as we drove slowly up the hill. 老旧的汽车吃力地向前爬,把我们缓缓地拖上了山坡。 boat 小船 11 [intransitive ,  transitive ] pull(sth) (+ adv./prep.) to use oarsto move a boat along 划;划动 They pulled towards the shore. 他们向岸边划去。 crowd/support 群众;支持 12 [transitive ] pullsb/sth (in) to attract the interest or support of sb/sth 吸引;博取 They pulled in huge crowds on their latest tour. 最近巡回演出时,他们吸引了大批观众。 attract sexually 吸引异性 13 [transitive ,  intransitive ] pull(sb) ( BrE) ( informal) to attract sb sexually 吸引异性 He can still pull the girls. 他仍然能让姑娘们着迷。 She's hoping to pull tonight. 她希望今晚丰采迷人。 trick/crime 计谋;罪行 14 [transitive ] pullsth ( informal) to succeed in playing a trick on sb, committing a crime, etc. (耍手腕)得逞;犯下(罪行) He's pulling some sort of trick on you. 他在耍花招骗你呢。 cancel 撤销 15 [transitive ] pullsth ( informal) to cancel an event; to stop showing an advertisement, etc. 取消,撤销(活动、广告等) The gig was pulled at the last moment. 特约演奏临时取消了。 IDIOMS pull a ˈfast one (on sb) ( slang) to trick sb 蒙骗;捉弄 pull in different/opposite diˈrections to have different aims that cannot be achieved together without causing problems 目标迥异;各行其是 pull sb's ˈleg ( informal) to play a joke on sb, usually by making them believe sth that is not true 捉弄;和…开玩笑 pull the ˈother one (—it's got ˈbells on) ( BrE) ( informal) used to show that you do not believe what sb has just said (表示不相信对方的话)别打哈哈了 pull out all the ˈstops ( informal) to make the greatest effort possible to achieve sth 竭尽全力;费九牛二虎之力 pull the ˈplug on sb/sth ( informal) to put an end to sb's project, a plan, etc. 阻止;制止;终止 pull your ˈpunches ( informal) ( usually used in negative sentences 通常用于否定句 ) to express sth less strongly than you are able to, for example to avoid upsetting or shocking sb 言辞婉转;委婉表示 Her articles certainly don't pull any punches. 她的文章确实一针见血。 pull sth/a ˌrabbit out of the ˈhat ( informal) to suddenly produce sth as a solution to a problem 突然提出解决方法;突施妙计 pull ˈrank (on sb) to make use of your place or status in society or at work to make sb do what you want 凭借地位指使(某人);弄权 pull the rug (out) from under sb's ˈfeet ( informal) to take help or support away from sb suddenly 突然停止帮助(或支援) pull your ˈsocks up ( BrE) ( informal) to try to improve your performance, work, behaviour, etc. 力求做好;努力向上 You're going to have to pull your socks up. 你可得加把劲儿了。 pull ˈstrings (for sb) ( NAmE also pull ˈwires ) ( informal) to use your influence in order to get an advantage for sb 凭影响(为某人)谋利益;(为某人)活动,走后门 pull the ˈstrings to control events or the actions of other people 幕后操纵;暗中控制 ˌpull up ˈstakes ( NAmE) ( BrE ˌup ˈsticks ) to suddenly move from your house and go to live somewhere else 突然迁居 pull your ˈweight to work as hard as everyone else in a job, an activity, etc. 尽本分;尽职责 pull the ˈwool over sb's eyes ( informal) to try to trick sb; to hide your real actions or intentions from sb 蒙蔽某人;欺骗某人 more at bootstrap , face n. , horn n. , piece n. , shred n. PHRASAL VERBS ˌpull aˈhead (of sb/sth) to move in front of sb/sth 抢先;领先 The cyclists were together until the bend, when Tyler pulled ahead. 自行车选手们原本胶着在一起,直到转弯处泰勒才超前领先。 ˌpull sb/sth aˈpart to separate people or animals that are fighting 分开,拉开(打斗的人或动物) ˌpull sth aˈpart to separate sth into pieces by pullingdifferent parts of it in different directions 拆散;拆卸 ˈpull at sth = pull on sth ˌpull aˈway (from sth) (of a vehicle 车辆 ) to start moving 开动 They waved as the bus pulled away. 公共汽车开动时他们挥手告别。 ˌpull ˈback 1 (of an army 军队 ) to move back from a place 撤退;撤离 SYN withdraw 2 to decide not to do sth that you were intending to do, because of possible problems 退出;退却 SYN withdraw Their sponsors pulled back at the last minute. 他们的赞助人临时打了退堂鼓。 ˌpull sb↔ˈback to make an army move back from a place 撤回部队;撤兵 ˌpull ˈback | ˌpull sth↔ˈback ( sport ) to improve a team's position in a game (比赛中)挽回局势,翻盘,扳回 Rangers pulled back to 4–3. 流浪队以 4:3 反败为胜。 They pulled back a goal just before half-time. 在上半场临结束时,他们扳回一球。 ˌpull sb ˈdown ( especially US) to make sb less happy, healthy or successful 使扫兴;贬低某人 ˌpull sth↔ˈdown 1 to destroy a building completely 捣毁,拆毁,摧毁(建筑物) SYN demolish 2 = pull sth in ˌpull sb↔ˈin ( informal) to bring sb to a police station in order to ask them questions about a crime 拘留(问话) ˌpull sth↔ˈin/ˈdown ( informal) to earn the large amount of money mentioned 赚(大笔钱) SYN make I reckon she's pulling in over $100 000. 我估计她要赚 10 多万。 ˌpull ˈin (to sth) 1 (of a train 火车 ) to enter a station and stop 进站停靠 2 ( BrE) (of a vehicle or its driver 车辆或司机 ) to move to the side of the road or to the place mentioned and stop 驶向路边(或某处)停靠 The police car signalled to us to pull in. 警车发出信号,要我们驶向路边停靠。 ˌpull ˈoff | ˌpull ˈoff sth (of a vehicle or its driver 车辆或司机 ) to leave the road in order to stop for a short time 驶向路边短暂停车 ˌpull sth↔ˈoff ( informal) to succeed in doing sth difficult 做成,完成(困难的事情) We pulled off the deal. 我们做成了这笔交易。 I never thought you'd pull it off. 我真没想到你把这事办成了。 ˈpull on/at sth to take long deep breaths from a cigarette, etc. 猛吸,狠抽(香烟等) ˌpull ˈout (of a vehicle or its driver 车辆或司机 ) to move away from the side of the road, etc. 驶离路边;驶出 A car suddenly pulled out in front of me. 一辆汽车突然由路边冲到我前面。 ˌpull ˈout (of sth) 1 (of a train 火车 ) to leave a station 驶离车站;出站 2 to move away from sth or stop being involved in it 脱离;退出 SYN withdraw The project became so expensive that we had to pull out. 这个项目变得耗资巨大,我们只得退出。 ˌpull sb/sth ˈout (of sth) to make sb/sth move away from sth or stop being involved in it 使脱离;使退出 SYN withdraw They are pulling their troops out of the war zone. 他们正从战区撤出军队。 related noun pull-out ˌpull ˈover (of a vehicle or its driver 车辆或司机 ) to move to the side of the road in order to stop or let sth pass 驶向路边;向路边停靠(或让车) ˌpull sb/sth↔ˈover (of the police 警察 ) to make a driver or vehicle move to the side of the road 令(司机或车辆)停靠路边 ˌpull ˈthrough | ˌpull ˈthrough sth 1 to get better after a serious illness, operation, etc. (大病、手术等后)康复,痊愈 The doctors think she will pull through. 医生相信她将康复。 2 to succeed in doing sth very difficult 完成,做成(十分困难的事) It's going to be tough but we'll pull through it together. 这件事会很棘手,但我们将协力把它完成。 ˌpull sb ˈthrough | ˌpull sb ˈthrough sth 1 to help sb get better after a serious illness, operation, etc. 帮…复原(或康复) 2 to help sb succeed in doing sth very difficult 协助…完成(十分困难的事) I relied on my instincts to pull me through. 我全靠本能闯了过来。 ˌpull toˈgether to act, work, etc. together with other people in an organized way and without fighting 齐心协力;通力合作 ˌpull yourself toˈgether to take control of your feelings and behave in a calm way 使自己镇定自若(或冷静) Stop crying and pull yourself together! 别哭了,振作起来! ˌpull ˈup (of a vehicle or its driver 车辆或司机 ) to stop 停车;停止 He pulled up at the traffic lights. 他在红绿灯处停了车。 ˌpull sb ˈup ( BrE) ( informal) to criticize sb for sth that they have done wrong 训斥;斥责 noun trying to move sth 试图移动 1 [countable ] an act of trying to make sth move by holding it firmly and bringing it towards you 拉;拽;扯 I gave the door a sharp pull and it opened. 我猛地一拉,门开了。 physical force 自然力 2 [singular ] the pull(of sth) a strong physical force that makes sth move in a particular direction 力;引力;磁力 the earth's gravitational pull 地球的引力 attraction 吸引 3 [countable ,  usually singular ] the pull(of sth) the fact of sth attracting you or having a strong effect on you 吸引力;诱惑;影响 The magnetic pull of the city was hard to resist. 都市的强大魅力难以抗拒。 influence 影响 4 [uncountable ] ( informal) power and influence over other people (对他人的)影响,影响力 people who have a lot of pull with the media 能左右传媒的人物 on cigarette/drink 香烟;饮料 5 [countable ] pull(at/on sth) an act of taking a deep breath of smoke from a cigarette, etc. or a deep drink of sth 深吸;大口喝 She took a long pullon her cigarette. 她深深地吸了口烟。 walk up hill 登山 6 [countable ,  usually singular ] ( BrE) a difficult walk up a steep hill 艰难攀登 It's a long pullup to the summit. 登上山顶要攀爬很久。 muscle injury 肌肉损伤 7 [countable ] an injury to a muscle caused by using too much force 拉伤;扭伤 handle/rope 手柄;绳索 8 [countable ] ( especially in compounds 尤用于构成复合词 ) something such as a handle or rope that you use to pull sth 拉手;拉绳;拉环 a bell/door pull 钟绳;门把手 see also ring pull IDIOM on the ˈpull ( BrE) ( slang) (of a person ) trying to find a sexual partner 寻觅性伴侣 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 pull drag draw haul tow tug These words all mean to move sth in a particular direction, especially towards or behind you. 以上各词均含拖、拉、拽之意。 pull to hold sth and move it in a particular direction; to hold or be attached to a vehicle and move it along behind you 指向某方向拖、拉、牵引: Pull the chair nearer the table. 把椅子再往桌子拉近些。 They use oxen to pull their carts. 他们用牛拉车。 drag to pull sb/sth in a particular direction or behind you, usually along the ground, and especially with effort 通常指使劲在地上拖、拉、拽: The sack is too heavy to lift—you'll have to drag it. 这麻袋太重了,提不起来。你得拖着走。 draw ( formal) to move sb/sth by pulling them/it gently; to pull a vehicle such as a carriage 指拖动、拉动、牵引、拖车: I drew my chair closer to the fire. 我把椅子向火旁拉近了点。 a horse-drawncarriage 马车 haul to pull sb/sth to a particular place with a lot of effort 指用力拖、拉、拽: Fishermen were hauling in their nets. 渔民在拉网。 drag or haul? 用 drag 还是 haul? You usually dragsth behind you along the ground; you usually haulsth towards you, often upwards towards you. Draggingsth often needs effort, but haulingsth always does. *drag 通常指在身后沿地上拖,haul 通常指由下往上地朝自己拉、拽。drag 常需要用力,而 haul 总是要用力。 tow to pull a car, boat or light plane behind another vehicle, using a rope or chain 指用绳索拖、拉、牵引(汽车、船或轻型飞机): Our car was towed away by the police. 我们的汽车被警察拖走了。 tug to pull sb/sth hard in a particular direction 指朝某一方向用力拖、拉、拽: She tried to escape but he tugged her back. 她试图逃跑,但他把她拽了回来。 PATTERNS to pull/drag/draw/haul/tow/tug sb/sth along / along sth to pull/drag/draw/haul/tow sb/sth behind you to pull/drag/draw/haul a cart / cart to pull/draw a coach / coach to pull/haul/tow a truck horsespull/draw/haul sth dogspull/drag/haul sth pull / pʊl ; NAmE pʊl /
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