province 英 [ˈprɒvɪns]   美 [ˈprɑvɪns]


province  英 [ˈprɒvɪns] 美 [ˈprɑvɪns]

n. 省;领域; 首都以外的地区 


Western Province 西部省 ;
the provinces of Canada 加拿大各省

  • A province is a region within a country. If you travel to Canada, you'll have to decide whether you want to go to the province of Quebec, or Saskatchewan, or one of the other 8 provinces in that enormous country.
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  • n. 省;领域; 首都以外的地区
  • 1. Western Province

    西部省 ;

  • 2. the provinces of Canada


  • 3. a shy young man from the provinces


  • 4. I'm afraid the matter is outside my province .


  • 5. Such decisions are normally the province of higher management.


  • province (n.) early 14c., "country, territory, region," from Old French province "province, part of a country; administrative region for friars" (13c.) and directly from Latin provincia "territory outside Italy under Roman domination," also "a public office; public duty," of uncertain origin, usually explained as pro- "before" + vincere "to conquer" (from nasalized form of PIE root *weik- (3) "to fight, conquer"); but this does not suit the earliest Latin usages. Meaning "one's particular business or expertise" is from 1620s.
prov·ince / ˈprɒvɪns ; NAmE ˈprɑːvɪns / noun 1 [countable ] one of the areas that some countries are divided into with its own local government 省份;(某些国家的)一级行政区 the provinces of Canada 加拿大各省 2 the provinces [plural ] ( BrE) all the parts of a country except the capital city 首都以外的地区 The show will tour the provinces after it closes in London. 伦敦的演出结束后,将到全国各地巡回演出。 a shy young man from the provinces 腼腆的外地男青年 3 [singular ] ( formal) a person's particular area of knowledge, interest or responsibility 知识(或兴趣、职责)范围;领域 Such decisions are normally the province of higher management. 这类决定一般属于高层管理的职责范围。 I'm afraid the matter is outside my province (= I cannot or need not deal with it). 很抱歉,这事不归我管。 province provinces prov·ince / ˈprɒvɪns ; NAmE ˈprɑːvɪns /
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