academic 英 [ˌækəˈdemɪk]   美 [ˌækəˈdɛmɪk]


academic  英 [ˌækəˈdemɪk] 美 [ˌækəˈdɛmɪk]

adj. 学术的 


high academic standards,low academic standards 高╱低学术水平
an academic career 学术生涯

  • Something that is academic is related to school. Your parents might want to spend less time playing video games and more time focusing on academic pursuits. The noun academic refers to a professor or scholar.
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  • adj. 学术的
  • 1. high academic standards,low academic standards


  • 2. an academic career


  • 3. academic subjects,academic qualifications


  • 4. She wasn't very academic and hated school.


  • 5. It is a purely academic question.


  • 6. The whole thing's academic now—we can't win anyway.


  • 7. You have to do well academically to get into medical school.


  • academic (adj.) 1580s, "relating to an academy," also "collegiate, scholarly," from Latin academicus "of the (classical Athenian) Academy," from Academia, name of the place where Plato taught (see academy).
aca·dem·ic AWL / ˌækəˈdemɪk ; NAmE ˌækəˈdemɪk / adjective , noun academic academics adjective 1 [usually before noun ] connected with education, especially studying in schools and universities 学业的,教学的,学术的(尤指与学校教育有关) The students return in October for the start of the new academic year. 学生于十月返校,开始新学年的学习。 high/low academic standards 高╱低学术水平 an academic career 学术生涯 2 [usually before noun ] involving a lot of reading and studying rather than practical or technical skills 学术的(与实践性、技术性相对) academic subjects/qualifications 学科;学历 3 good at subjects involving a lot of reading and studying 学习良好的 She wasn't very academic and hated school. 她学习不怎么样,而且讨厌上学。 4 not connected to a real or practical situation and therefore not important 纯理论的;空谈的;学究式的 It is a purely academic question. 这是一个纯理论问题。 The whole thing's academic now—we can't win anyway. 现在这一切都是纸上谈兵,反正我们赢不了。 aca·dem·ic·al·ly AWL / ˌækəˈdemɪkli ; NAmE ˌækəˈdemɪkli / adverb You have to do well academically to get into medical school. 你得学习成绩优良才能入读医学院。 noun a person who teaches and/or does research at a university or college 高等院校教师;高校科研人员 aca·dem·ic / ˌækəˈdemɪk ; NAmE ˌækəˈdemɪk / aca·dem·ic·al·ly / ˌækəˈdemɪkli ; NAmE ˌækəˈdemɪkli /
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