pretty 英 [ˈprɪti]   美 [ˈprɪti]


pretty  英 [ˈprɪti] 美 [ˈprɪti]

adj. 漂亮的;可爱的;优美的  adv. 相当地;颇  n. 有吸引力的事物(尤指饰品);漂亮的人 

名词复数:pretties  比较级:prettier  最高级:prettiest 

a pretty name 优美的名字
a pretty little girl 俊俏的小姑娘

  • Use the word pretty to describe something with a delicate and pleasant appearance. Something that’s pretty is less powerful and intimidating than something that’s beautiful, the way a pretty floral raincoat is less intimidating than a beautiful film star.
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  • adj. 漂亮的;可爱的;优美的
  • adv. 相当地;颇
  • n. 有吸引力的事物(尤指饰品);漂亮的人
  • 1. a pretty name


  • 2. a pretty little girl


  • 3. The game was pretty good.


  • 4. not just a pretty ˈface


  • pretty (adj.) Old English prættig (West Saxon), pretti (Kentish), *prettig (Mercian) "cunning, skillful, artful, wily, astute," from prætt, *prett "a trick, wile, craft," from Proto-Germanic *pratt- (source also of Old Norse prettr "a trick," prettugr "tricky;" Frisian pret, Middle Dutch perte, Dutch pret "trick, joke," Dutch prettig "sportive, funny," Flemish pertig "brisk, clever"), of unknown origin.
  • pretty (n.) "a pretty person or thing," 1736, from pretty (adj.).
  • pretty (v.) 1916, usually with up, from pretty (adj.). Related: Prettied; prettying. Compare prettify.
pretty / ˈprɪti ; NAmE ˈprɪti / adverb , adjective pretty prettier prettiest pretties prettied prettying adverb ( with adjectives and adverbs 与形容词和副词连用 ) ( rather informal) 1 to some extent; fairly 颇;相当 I'm pretty sure I'll be going. 我相当肯定会去的。 The game was pretty good. 这个游戏相当不错。 It's pretty hard to explain. 这事很难解释清楚。 I'm going to have to find a new apartment pretty soon. 我很快就得找个新住处了。 note at quite 2 very 十分;非常;极;很 That performance was pretty impressive. 那场表演很出色。 Things are looking pretty good! 形势看来很不错! IDIOM pretty ˈmuch/ˈwell ( BrE also pretty ˈnearly ) ( NAmE also pretty ˈnear ) ( informal) almost; almost completely 几乎;差不多 One dog looks pretty much like another to me. 在我看来,狗长得都差不多。 more at sit adjective ( pret·tier , pret·ti·est ) 1 (especially of a woman, or a girl 尤指女子或女孩 ) attractive without being very beautiful 漂亮的;标致的;妩媚的;动人的 a pretty face 俏丽的脸 a pretty little girl 俊俏的小姑娘 You look so pretty in that dress! 你穿那件连衣裙真漂亮! synonyms at beautiful 2 (of places or things 地方或事物 ) attractive and pleasant to look at or to listen to without being large, beautiful or impressive 赏心悦目的;动听的;美观的;精致的 pretty clothes 漂亮的衣服 a pretty garden 赏心悦目的花园 a pretty name 优美的名字 pret·tily / ˈprɪtɪli ; NAmE ˈprɪtɪli / adverb ( especially BrE) She laughed prettily. 她的笑声很迷人。 The rooms are simply but prettily furnished. 房间都布置得简朴而美观。 pret·ti·ness / ˈprɪtinəs ; NAmE ˈprɪtinəs / noun [uncountable ] the prettiness of youth 青春的美好 IDIOMS as ˌpretty as a ˈpicture ( old-fashioned) very pretty 美丽如画;非常漂亮 not just a pretty ˈface ( humorous) used to emphasize that you have particular skills or qualities 并非徒有其表;不只脸蛋漂亮 ‘I didn't know you could play the piano.’ ‘I'm not just a pretty face, you know!’ “我不知道你还会弹钢琴呢。”“我可不只是脸蛋儿漂亮,对吧!” ˌnot a pretty ˈsight ( humorous) not pleasant to look at 不顺眼;有碍观瞻 You should have seen him in his swimming trunks—not a pretty sight! 你应该见识见识他穿游泳裤的样子,真是一景呢! a pretty ˈpenny ( old-fashioned) a lot of money 很多钱;一大笔钱 more at pass n. pretty / ˈprɪti ; NAmE ˈprɪti / pret·tily / ˈprɪtɪli ; NAmE ˈprɪtɪli / pret·ti·ness / ˈprɪtinəs ; NAmE ˈprɪtinəs /
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