positive 英 [ˈpɒzətɪv]   美 [ˈpɑzətɪv]


positive  英 [ˈpɒzətɪv] 美 [ˈpɑzətɪv]

adj. 积极的;确定的,绝对的  n. 正数 


a positive attitude,a positive outlook 乐观的态度╱前景
the power of positive thought 乐观思想的力量

  • In the simplest sense, positive means good — or the opposite of negative. If you have a positive attitude about homework, for example, you're more likely to get positive feedback on your report card.
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  • adj. 积极的;确定的,绝对的
  • n. 正数
  • 1. a positive attitude,a positive outlook


  • 2. the power of positive thought


  • 3. She tried to be more positive about her new job.


  • 4. On the positive side,profits have increased.


  • 5. It will require positive actionby all in the industry.


  • 6. to make a positive contribution to a discussion


  • 7. I can't be positive about what time it happened.


  • 8. It was a positive miracle that we survived.


  • 9. This is proof positive that he stole the money.


  • 10. a positive pregnancy test


  • 11. to be HIV positive


  • 12. Take your weaknesses and translate them into positives.


  • positive (adj.) early 14c., originally a legal term meaning "formally laid down," from Old French positif (13c.) and directly from Latin positivus "settled by agreement, positive" (opposed to naturalis "natural"), from positus, past participle of ponere "put, place" (see position (n.)).
  • positive (n.) 1520s, from positive (adj.).
posi·tive AWL / ˈpɒzətɪv ; NAmE ˈpɑːzətɪv / adjective , noun positive positives adjective confident 有信心 1 thinking about what is good in a situation; feeling confident and sure that sth good will happen 积极乐观的;自信的 a positive attitude/outlook 乐观的态度╱前景 the power of positive thought 乐观思想的力量 positive(about sth) She tried to be more positive about her new job. 她努力更积极地投入新工作。 On the positive side,profits have increased. 从好的方面看,利润增加了。 The report ended on a positive note. 报告的结尾显得很乐观。 OPP negative effective/useful 有效;有用 2 directed at dealing with sth or producing a successful result 积极的;建设性的;朝着成功的 We must take positive stepsto deal with the problem. 我们必须采取积极步骤处理这个问题。 It will require positive actionby all in the industry. 这将需要业内全体同人和衷共济。 OPP negative 3 expressing agreement or support 表示赞同的;拥护的 We've had a very positive response to the idea. 我们对这个想法反应很好。 OPP negative 4 good or useful 良好的;有助益的;正面的 to make a positive contribution to a discussion 在讨论中献计献策 His family have been a very positive influence on him. 他的家庭对他有十分良好的影响。 Overseas investment has had a positive effect on exports. 海外投资对出口有积极影响。 OPP negative sure/definite 确信;肯定 5 [not before noun ] (of a person ) completely sure that sth is correct or true 有绝对把握;确信;肯定 positive(about sth) I can't be positive about what time it happened. 我说不准这事是什么时间发生的。 positive(that…) She was positive that he had been there. 她确信他曾在场。 ‘Are you sure?’ ‘Positive.’ “你敢肯定吗?”“绝对肯定。” synonyms at sure 6 [only before noun ] ( informal) complete and definite 完全的;绝对的 SYN absolute He has a positive genius for upsetting people. 他气人的本事可大呢。 It was a positive miracle that we survived. 我们能够生还,完全是个奇迹。 7 giving clear and definite proof or information 证据确凿的;明确的 SYN conclusive We have no positive evidence that she was involved. 我们没有确凿证据证明她参与其事。 ( formal) This is proof positivethat he stole the money. 这就是他偷钱的肯定证据。 scientific test 科学试验 8 showing clear evidence that a particular substance or medical condition is present 阳性的;证明…存在的 a positive pregnancy test 呈阳性反应的怀孕检测 The athlete tested positivefor steroids. 这个运动员类固醇检测呈阳性。 to be HIV positive 艾滋病病毒化验呈阳性 OPP negative number/quantity 数目;数量 9 greater than zero 正数的 OPP negative electricity 10 ( technical 术语 ) containing or producing the type of electricity that is carried by a proton 正电的;正极的 a positive charge 正电荷 the positive terminalof a battery 电池的正极 OPP negative noun good quality 优点 1 [countable ,  uncountable ] a good or useful quality or aspect 优势;优点 Take your weaknesses and translate them into positives. 把你自己的弱点变成优点。 in photography 摄影 2 [countable ] ( technical 术语 ) a developed film showing light and dark areas and colours as they actually were, especially one printed from a negative 正片 result of test 化验结果 3 [countable ] the result of a test or an experiment that shows that a substance or condition is present 阳性结果(或反应) OPP negative posi·tive / ˈpɒzətɪv ; NAmE ˈpɑːzətɪv /
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