particular 英 [pəˈtɪkjələ(r)]   美 [pərˈtɪkjələ(r)]


particular  英 [pəˈtɪkjələ(r)] 美 [pərˈtɪkjələ(r)]

adj. 特别的;特指的;挑剔的  n. 细节 


There is one particular patient I'd like you to see. 我想让你见一个病人。
We must pay particular attention to this point. 我们必须特别注意这一点。

  • As an adjective, particular describes something specific, such as when you prefer one particular type of cereal over another. The noun form means specific points or details, as in the particulars of a police investigation.
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  • adj. 特别的;特指的;挑剔的
  • n. 细节
  • 1. There is one particular patient I'd like you to see.


  • 2. We must pay particular attention to this point.


  • 3. These documents are of particular interest.


  • 4. She's very particular about her clothes.


  • 5. He loves science fiction in particular.


  • 6. Peter was lying on the sofa doing nothing in particular.


  • 7. She directed the question at no one in particular.


  • 8. The police officer took down all the particulars of the burglary.


  • 9. Application forms and further particulars are available from the Personnel Office.


  • particular (adj.) late 14c., "pertaining to a single thing or person," from Old French particuler (14c., Modern French particulier) and directly from Late Latin particularis "of a part, concerning a small part," from Latin particula "little bit or part, grain, jot," diminutive of pars (genitive partis) "a part, piece, division" (from PIE root *pere-(2) "to grant, allot"). Sense of "precise, exacting" first recorded 1814.
  • particular (n.) "a part or section of a whole," late 14c., from particular (adj.). Particulars "small details of statement" is from c. 1600.
par·ticu·lar / pəˈtɪkjələ(r) ; NAmE pərˈtɪkjələr / adjective , noun particular particulars adjective 1 [only before noun ] used to emphasize that you are referring to one individual person, thing or type of thing and not others 专指的,特指的(与泛指相对) SYN specific There is one particular patient I'd like you to see. 我想让你见一个病人。 Is there a particular type of book he enjoys? 他特别喜爱哪一类的书籍吗? 2 [only before noun ] greater than usual; special 不寻常的;格外的;特别的 We must pay particular attention to this point. 我们必须特别注意这一点。 These documents are of particular interest. 这些文件让人很感兴趣。 3 particular(about/over sth) very definite about what you like and careful about what you choose 讲究;挑剔 SYN fussy She's very particular about her clothes. 她对衣着特别挑剔。 IDIOM in parˈticular 1 especially or particularly 尤其;特别;格外 He loves science fiction in particular. 他特别喜爱科幻小说。 language bank at emphasis 2 special or specific 特殊的;专门的;具体的 Peter was lying on the sofa doing nothing in particular. 彼得躺在沙发上,无所事事。 Is there anything in particularyou'd like for dinner? 晚饭你想吃点什么特别的吗? She directed the question at no one in particular. 她的问题并没有针对任何个人。 noun ( formal) 1 [usually plural ] a fact or detail, especially one that is officially written down (正式记下的)细节,详情 The police officer took down all the particulars of the burglary. 这名警察记下了窃案发生的详细情况。 The nurse asked me for my particulars (= personal details such as your name, address, etc.). 护士向我询问了我的个人资料。 The new contract will be the same in every particular as the old one. 新合同与旧合同的各项细节将完全相同。 2 particulars [plural ] written information and details about a property, business, job, etc. 详细资料;详细介绍材料 Application forms and further particulars are available from the Personnel Office. 申请表格及其他详细资料可向人事部索取。 par·ticu·lar / pəˈtɪkjələ(r) ; NAmE pərˈtɪkjələr /
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