matchbook 英 ['mætʃbʊk]   美 ['mætʃ,bʊk]


matchbook  英 ['mætʃbʊk] 美 ['mætʃ,bʊk]

n. 纸板火柴(等于matchfolder) 


By the way, I still have that matchbook from the bar on Sunset. 顺便说一下,我还保留这那片火柴纸板,从日落大道的酒吧里得到的那片。
He said he envisaged that it could be engineered into a matchbook-sized device to test water on the spot. 他说他认为它可以改造成一个纸板火柴盒大小的装置,用于在现场测试水。

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  • n. 纸板火柴(等于matchfolder)
  • 1. By the way, I still have that matchbook from the bar on Sunset.


  • 2. He said he envisaged that it could be engineered into a matchbook-sized device to test water on the spot.


  • 3. I took the writer to a bar on Sunset, got him drunk, and had him write down Oliver's home phone number on a matchbook.


  • matchbook (n.) also match-book, in reference to a folder holding fire-starting devices, 1913, from match (n.1) + book (n.).
match·book / ˈmætʃbʊk ; NAmE ˈmætʃbʊk / noun ( NAmE) a piece of folded card containing matches and a surface to light them on 纸板火柴 match·book / ˈmætʃbʊk ; NAmE ˈmætʃbʊk /
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