Teutonic 英 [tju:'tɔnik]  


Teutonic  英 [tju:'tɔnik]

adj. 日耳曼人的;条顿人的;日耳曼语的  n. 日耳曼语;条顿语 

Like me my dad disliked having his picture taken and in most pictures affects a sort of Teutonic solemnity. 就像我一样,我的父亲并不喜欢拍照,而且在大多数的照片中有一种日耳曼人的严肃。
The woman emitted a Teutonic sigh. 那个女人发出一声日耳曼人的叹息。

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  • adj. 日耳曼人的;条顿人的;日耳曼语的
  • n. 日耳曼语;条顿语
  • 1. Like me my dad disliked having his picture taken and in most pictures affects a sort of Teutonic solemnity.


  • 2. The woman emitted a Teutonic sigh.


  • 3. Even the tall Teutonic blond fellow who gave me an unsteady smile as I took the mat next to him is frightened — once I’d sat down, I could see he was shaking.

    甚至那个当我要拿起他旁边的一个坐垫时对我颤抖着微笑的高大的日耳曼的金发家伙也很害怕。 有一次我要坐下,就看到他正在发抖着。

  • Teutonic (adj.) 1610s, "of or pertaining to the Germanic languages and to peoples or tribes who speak or spoke them," from Latin Teutonicus, from Teutones, Teutoni, name of a tribe that inhabited coastal Germany near the mouth of the Elbe and devastated Gaul 113-101 B.C.E., probably via Celtic from Proto-Germanic *theudanoz, from PIE root *teuta- "tribe."
Teut·on·ic / tjuːˈtɒnɪk ; NAmE tuːˈtɑːnɪk / adjective [usually before noun ] ( informal, often disapproving) showing qualities considered typical of German people 德意志民族特点的;日耳曼人风格的 The preparations were made with Teutonic thoroughness. 各项准备工作均以日耳曼人缜密的精神完成。 Teut·on·ic / tjuːˈtɒnɪk ; NAmE tuːˈtɑːnɪk /
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