issue 英 [ˈɪʃu:]   美 [ˈɪʃu]


issue  英 [ˈɪʃu:] 美 [ˈɪʃu]

n. 问题;期号;发行物  v. 发行,发布;出版 

进行时:issuing  过去式:issued  过去分词:issued  第三人称单数:issues  名词复数:issues 

This is a big issue;we need more time to think about it. 这是个重大问题,我们需要花较多的时间考虑。
She usually writes about environmental issues. 她通常写环境方面的题材。

  • One copy of "Celebrities are Cool" magazine is an issue. It is issued, or put out, by the publisher. You and your mother may argue over the issue, or topic, of whether or not you should read it.
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  • n. 问题;期号;发行物
  • v. 发行,发布;出版
  • 1. This is a big issue;we need more time to think about it.


  • 2. She usually writes about environmental issues.


  • 3. The union plans to raise the issue of overtime.


  • 4. You're just avoiding the issue.


  • 5. Money is not an issue.


  • 6. I don't think my private life is the issue here.


  • 7. If you have any issues, please call this number.


  • 8. the July issue of ‘What Car?’

    汔车杂志《 What car?》的七月号

  • 9. a special issue of stamps


  • 10. the issue of blankets to the refugees


  • 11. He died without issue.


  • 12. The police have issued an appeal for witnesses.


  • 13. to issue passports, to issue visas, to issue tickets


  • 14. New members will be issued with a temporary identity card.


  • 15. A warrant has been issued for his arrest.


  • 16. We issue a monthly newsletter.


  • issue (n.) c. 1300, "an exit," from Old French issue "a way out, a going out, exit; final event," from fem. past participle of issir "to go out," from Latin exire "go out, go forth; become public; flow, gush, pour forth" (source also of Italian uscire, Catalan exir), from ex- "out" (see ex-) + ire "to go," from PIE root *ei- "to go."
  • issue (v.) mid-14c., of water, etc., "to flow out;" of persons, "come or go (out of a place), sally forth," from issue (n.) or else from Old French issu, past participle of issir. Transitive sense of "to send out" is from mid-15c.; specific sense of "to send out authoritatively" is from c. 1600. Meaning "supply (someone with something)" is from 1925. Related: Issued; issuing.
issue AWL / ˈɪʃuː ; ˈɪsjuː ; NAmE ˈɪʃuː / noun , verb issue issues issued issuing noun topic of discussion 议题 1 [countable ] an important topic that people are discussing or arguing about 重要议题;争论的问题 a key/sensitive/controversial issue 关键的╱敏感的╱有争议的问题 This is a big issue;we need more time to think about it. 这是个重大问题,我们需要花较多的时间考虑。 She usually writes about environmental issues. 她通常写环境方面的题材。 The union plans to raise the issueof overtime. 工会打算提出加班的问题。 The party was divided on this issue. 该党在这一问题上存在分歧。 You're just avoiding the issue. 你只不过是在回避问题。 Don't confuse the issue. 不要把问题弄复杂。 problem/worry 问题;忧虑 2 [countable ] a problem or worry that sb has with sth (有关某事的)问题,担忧 Money is not an issue. 钱不是问题。 I don't think my private life is the issue here. 我认为问题并非我的私生活。 I'm not bothered about the cost—you're the one who's making an issueof it. 我不在乎花钱,是你一直在拿钱大做文章。 Because I grew up in a dysfunctional family, anger is a big issue for me. 我是在一个不正常的家庭里长大的,所以乱发脾气是我的一大问题。 She's always on a diet—she has issues aboutfood. 她经常节食,她担心吃得太多。 He still has some issues withwomen (= has problems dealing with them). 他在与女性打交道方面仍有些问题。 If you have any issues, please call this number. 如有问题,请拨打这个电话号码。 magazine/newspaper 报刊 3 [countable ] one of a regular series of magazines or newspapers 一期;期号 the July issue of ‘What Car?’ 汔车杂志《 What car?》的七月号 The article appeared in issue 25. 该文发表在第 25 期。 of stamps/coins/shares 邮票;钱币;股份 4 [countable ] a number or set of things that are supplied and made available at the same time 一次发行额(或一套) The company is planning a new share issue. 公司正计划发行新股。 a special issue of stamps 特别发行的一套邮票 making available/known 发出;发布 5 [uncountable ] the act of supplying or making available things for people to buy or use 发行;分发 I bought a set of the new stamps on the date of issue. 我在新邮票发行的当天就买了一套。 the issue of blankets to the refugees 给难民分发毯子 the issue of a joint statement by the French and German foreign ministers 法德两国外交部长联合声明的发布 children 孩子 6 [uncountable ] ( law ) children of your own 子女;后嗣 He died without issue. 他死后无子嗣。 IDIOMS be at ˈissue to be the most important part of the subject that is being discussed 是讨论的焦点 What is at issue is whether she was responsible for her actions. 议论的焦点是她是否对自己的行为负有责任。 take ˈissue with sb (about/on/over sth) ( formal) to start disagreeing or arguing with sb about sth 向某人提出异议;开始与某人争论 I must take issue with you on that point. 我必须就那一点向你提出异议。 more at force v. verb make known 公布 1 issuesth (to sb) to make sth known formally 宣布;公布;发出 They issued a joint statement denying the charges. 他们发表联合声明否认指控。 The police have issued an appeal for witnesses. 警方发出了寻找目击证人的呼吁。 give 2 [often passive ] to give sth to sb, especially officially (正式)发给,供给 issuesth to issue passports/visas/tickets 发护照╱签证╱票 issuesb with sth New members will be issued with a temporary identity card. 新成员将获发临时身分卡。 issuesth to sb Work permits were issued to only 5% of those who applied for them. 工作许可证只发给了 5% 的申请人。 law 法律 3 issuesth to start a legal process against sb, especially by means of an official document (尤指通过正式文件)将…诉诸法律 to issue a writ against sb 传讯某人 A warrant has been issued for his arrest. 已对他发出逮捕令。 magazine 刊物 4 issuesth to produce sth such as a magazine, article, etc. 出版;发表 We issue a monthly newsletter. 我们出版一份通讯月刊。 stamps/coins/shares 邮票;钱币;股票 5 issuesth to produce new stamps, coins, shares, etc. for sale to the public 发行(新的一批) They issued a special set of stamps to mark the occasion. 他们特别发行了一套纪念邮票。 PHRASAL VERB ˈissue from sth ( formal) to come out of sth 从…中出来 A weak trembling sound issued from his lips. 他嘴里发出了微弱颤抖的声音。 is·suer issuer issuers / ; NAmE / noun credit-card issuers 信用卡发行机构 issue / ˈɪʃuː ; ˈɪsjuː ; NAmE ˈɪʃuː / is·suer / ; NAmE /
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