hurt 英 [hɜ:t]   美 [hɜrt]


hurt  英 [hɜ:t] 美 [hɜrt]

v. 使受伤;损害;  n. 痛苦;危害; 

进行时:hurting  过去式:hurt  过去分词:hurt  第三人称单数:hurts  名词复数:hurts 

I fell down and hurt my knee. 我跌倒, 把膝盖跌伤了。
Ouch! That hurt! 哎哟!好疼!

  • If you have a party and no one shows up, you will probably feel hurt: emotionally injured by what's happened.
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  • v. 使受伤;损害;
  • n. 痛苦;危害;
  • 1. I fell down and hurt my knee.

    我跌倒, 把膝盖跌伤了。

  • 2. Ouch! That hurt!


  • 3. a hurt look/expression


  • 4. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you.


  • hurt (adj.) "wounded, injured," c. 1400, past-participle adjective from hurt (v.).
  • hurt (n.) c. 1200, "a wound, an injury;" also "sorrow, lovesickness," from hurt (v.). Old French had hurte (n.), but the sense "injury" is only in English.
  • hurt (v.) c. 1200, "to injure, wound" (the body, feelings, reputation, etc.), also "to stumble (into), bump into; charge against, rush, crash into; knock (things) together," from Old French hurter "to ram, strike, collide with" (Modern French heurter), a word of uncertain origin. Perhaps from Frankish *hurt "ram" (source also of Middle High German hurten "run at, collide," Old Norse hrutr "ram," Middle Dutch horten "to knock, dash against"). Celtic origins also have been proposed. The English usage is as old as the French, and perhaps there was a native Old English *hyrtan, but it has not been recorded.
hurt / hɜːt ; NAmE hɜːrt / verb , adjective , noun hurt hurts hurting verb ( hurt , hurt ) 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] hurt(sb/sth/yourself) to cause physical pain to sb/yourself; to injure sb/yourself (使)疼痛,受伤 He hurt his back playing squash. 他打壁球时背部受伤了。 Did you hurt yourself? 你伤着自己了吗? Stop it. You're hurting me. 住手。你弄疼我了。 My back is really hurting me today. 我今天背疼得厉害。 My shoes hurt—they're too tight. 我的鞋子太紧,穿着夹脚。 synonyms at injure collocationsat injury 2 [intransitive ] to feel painful 感到疼痛 My feet hurt. 我脚疼。 Ouch! That hurt! 哎哟!好疼! It hurtswhen I bend my knee. 我的膝盖一弯就疼。 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to make sb unhappy or upset 使不快;使烦恼 What really hurt was that he never answered my letter. 真正让我伤心的是他从不给我回信。 hurtsb/sth I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. 对不起,我不是故意伤害你的。 I didn't want to hurt his feelings. 我并没有想伤害他的感情。 it hurts (sb) to do sth It hurt me to think that he would lie to me. 一想到他会对我说谎,我就很伤心。 4 [intransitive ] be hurting ( informal) to feel unhappy or upset 感到不高兴(或烦恼) I know you're hurting and I want to help you. 我知道你心烦,我想帮助你。 5 [transitive ] hurtsb/sth to have a bad effect on sb/sth 对…有不良影响 Many people on low incomes will be hurt by the government's plans. 很多低收入的人将受到政府这些方案的打击。 synonyms at damage 6 [intransitive ] be hurting (for sth) ( NAmE) to be in a difficult situation because you need sth, especially money 处于困境;手头拮据 His campaign is already hurting for money. 他从事的社会运动已经因缺乏经费而难以为继了。 IDIOM it won't/wouldn't ˈhurt (sb/sth) (to do sth) used to say that sb should do a particular thing (做某事)不会有什么损害;(某人)应该做某事 It wouldn't hurt you to help with the housework occasionally. 你应该偶尔帮忙做做家务。 more at fly n. , hit v. adjective 1 injured physically (身体上)受伤的 None of the passengers were badly hurt. 乘客中没有人严重受伤。 OPP unhurt 2 upset and offended by sth that sb has said or done (感情上)受伤的 a hurt look/expression 伤心的眼神╱表情 She was deeply hurtthat she had not been invited. 她未被邀请,感到十分难过。 Martha's hurt pride showed in her eyes. 从玛莎的眼神可以看出她的自尊受到了伤害。 noun [uncountable ,  singular ] ( rather informal) a feeling of unhappiness because sb has been unkind or unfair to you 心灵创伤;委屈 There was hurt and real anger in her voice. 她的声音显得既难过又愤怒。 It was a hurt that would take a long time to heal. 那是需要很长时间才能愈合的创伤。 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 hurt ache burn sting tingle itch throb These are all words that can be used when part of your body feels painful. 以上各词均可指身体部位感到疼痛。 hurt (of part of your body) to feel painful; (of an action) to cause pain 指(身体部位)感到疼痛、(某一动作)引起疼痛: My feet hurt. 我脚疼。 Ouch! That hurt! 哎哟!好疼! ache to feel a continuous dull pain 指疼痛、隐痛: I'm aching all over. 我周身疼痛。 burn (of part of your body) to feel very hot and painful 指(身体部位)火辣辣地痛、发烫: Our eyes were burning from the chemicals in the air. 空气中弥漫的化学物质熏得我们的眼睛火辣辣地痛。 sting to make sb feel a sharp burning pain or uncomfortable feeling in part of their body; (of part of your body) to feel this pain 指(使)身体部位感觉刺痛、灼痛: My eyes were stinging from the smoke. 烟熏得我眼睛痛。 tingle (of part of your body) to feel as if a lot of small sharp points are pushing into the skin there 指(身体部位)感到刺痛: The cold air made her face tingle. 冷空气冻得她的脸发痛。 itch to have an uncomfortable feeling on your skin that makes you want to scratch; to make your skin feel like this 指(使)皮肤发痒: I itch all over. 我浑身痒。 Does the rash itch? 皮疹痒吗? throb (of part of your body) to feel pain as a series of regular beats 指(身体部位)有规律地抽动、抽痛: His head throbbed painfully. 他的头一抽一跳地痛。 PATTERNS your eyeshurt/ache/burn/sting/itch your skinhurts/burns/stings/tingles/itches your fleshhurts/burns/stings/tingles your headhurts/aches/throbs your stomachhurts/aches to reallyhurt/ache/burn/sting/tingle/itch/throb to hurt/ache/sting/itch badly / badly Ithurts/stings/tingles/itches. hurt / hɜːt ; NAmE hɜːrt /
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