female 英 [ˈfi:meɪl]   美 [ ˈfiˌmel]


female  英 [ˈfi:meɪl] 美 [ ˈfiˌmel]

adj. 女性的;雌性的  n. 女人;[动] 雌性动物 


Two of the candidates must be female. 候选人中必须有两名是女性。
a female cat 母猫

  • The female animals are the ones who can have babies. They’re not males. Girls and women are female humans, but there are male and female animals of all kinds. Just ask Noah.
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  • adj. 女性的;雌性的
  • n. 女人;[动] 雌性动物
  • 1. Two of the candidates must be female.


  • 2. a female cat


  • 3. female characteristics


  • 4. the female role


  • 5. More females than males are employed in the factory.


  • female (n.) early 14c., from Old French femelle "woman, female" (12c.), from Medieval Latin femella "a female," from Latin femella "young female, girl," diminutive of femina "woman, a female" ("woman, female," literally "she who suckles," from PIE root *dhe(i)- "to suck").
fe·male / ˈfiːmeɪl ; NAmE ˈfiːmeɪl / adjective , noun female females adjective 1 being a woman or a girl 女的;女性的 a female student/employee/artist 女学生╱雇员╱艺术家 Two of the candidates must be female. 候选人中必须有两名是女性。 2 of the sex that can lay eggs or give birth to babies 雌的;母的 a female cat 母猫 3 of women; typical of women; affecting women 女性的;妇女的;女性特有的 female characteristics 女性特征 the female role 妇女的角色 compare feminine  (1 ) 4 ( biology ) (of plants and flowers 植物和花 ) that can produce fruit 能结果实的;雌性的;有雌蕊的 5 ( technical 术语 ) (of electrical equipment 电气设备 ) having a hole that another part fits into 阴的;内孔的;凹的 a female plug 内孔插头 OPP male noun 1 an animal that can lay eggs or give birth to babies; a plant that can produce fruit 雌性动物;雌性植物;雌株 2 ( formal) a woman or a girl 女子 More females than males are employed in the factory. 这家工厂雇用的女性比男性多。 OPP male fe·male / ˈfiːmeɪl ; NAmE ˈfiːmeɪl /
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