sleep 英 [sli:p]   美 [slip]


sleep  英 [sli:p] 美 [slip]

vi. 睡,睡觉  n. 睡眠 

进行时:sleeping  过去式:slept  过去分词:slept  第三人称单数:sleeps  名词复数:sleeps 

The apartment sleeps six. 这套公寓能睡六个人。
I had to sleep on the sofa. 我只得睡在沙发上。

  • If you're tired, you probably need to sleep so lie down and close your eyes. When you wake up, you'll feel much better.
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  • vi. 睡,睡觉
  • n. 睡眠
  • 1. The apartment sleeps six.


  • 2. I had to sleep on the sofa.


  • 3. I need to get some sleep.


  • 4. I didn't get much sleep last night.


  • 5. Did you have a good sleep?


  • 6. Ros fell into a deep sleep.


  • sleep (n.) Old English slæp "sleep, sleepiness, inactivity," from Proto-Germanic *slepaz, from the root of sleep (v.); compare cognate Old Saxon slap, Old Frisian slep, Middle Dutch slæp, Dutch slaap, Old High German slaf, German Schlaf, Gothic sleps.
  • sleep (v.) Old English slæpan "to be or fall asleep; be dormant or inactive" (class VII strong verb; past tense slep, past participle slæpen), from Proto-Germanic *slepan (source also of Old Saxon slapan, Old Frisian slepa, Middle Dutch slapen, Dutch slapen, Old High German slafen, German schlafen, Gothic slepan "to sleep"), from PIE *sleb- "to be weak, sleep," which perhaps is connected to PIE root *sleg- "be slack, be languid," the source of slack (adj.). Sleep with "do the sex act with" is in Old English:
sleep / sliːp ; NAmE sliːp / verb , noun sleep sleeps slept sleeping verb ( slept , slept / slept ; NAmE slept / ) 1 [intransitive ] (+ adv./prep.) to rest with your eyes closed and your mind and body not active 睡;睡觉;入睡 to sleep well/deeply/soundly/badly 睡得好;沉睡;酣睡;睡得不好 I couldn't sleepbecause of the noise. 嘈杂声吵得我睡不着。 I had to sleep on the sofa. 我只得睡在沙发上。 He slept solidly for ten hours. 他整整睡了十个小时。 I slept at my sister's house last night (= stayed the night there). 昨晚我住在妹妹家了。 We both slept right through (= were not woken up by)the storm. 我们两人睡得很沉,浑然不知有暴风雨。 She only sleeps for four hours a night. 她每天晚上只睡四个小时。 We sometimes sleep lateat the weekends (= until late in the morning). 周末我们有时候睡懒觉。 I put the sleeping baby down gently. 我把睡着的宝宝轻轻放下。 What are our sleeping arrangements here (= where shall we sleep)? 我们在这儿睡觉是怎么安排的? HELP  It is more common to say that somebody is asleepthan to say that somebody is sleeping. Sleepcan only be used in the passive with a preposition such as inor on. *somebody is asleep 比 somebody is sleeping 更常见。sleep 只有和 in 或 on 等介词连用时才可以用被动语态: It was clear her bed hadn't been slept in. 2 [transitive ,  no passive ] sleepsb to have enough beds for a particular number of people 可供…人睡觉;可供…人住宿 The apartment sleeps six. 这套公寓能睡六个人。 The hotel sleeps 120 guests. 这家旅馆可供 120 位客人住宿。 IDIOMS let sleeping dogs ˈlie ( saying) to avoid mentioning a subject or sth that happened in the past, in order to avoid any problems or arguments 过去的事就不要再提了;不要没事找事 sleep like a ˈlog/ˈbaby ( informal) to sleep very well 沉睡;酣睡 sleep ˈtight ( informal) used especially to children before they go to bed to say that you hope they sleep well (尤用以打发孩子睡觉)睡个好觉 Goodnight, sleep tight! 晚安,睡个好觉! more at rough adv. , wink n. PHRASAL VERBS ˌsleep aˈround ( informal, disapproving) to have sex with a lot of different people 到处跟人睡觉;乱搞男女关系 ˌsleep ˈin to sleep until after the time you usually get up in the morning 迟起;睡过头;睡懒觉 ˌsleep sth↔ˈoff to get better after sth, especially drinking too much alcohol, by sleeping 靠睡觉来消除;睡一觉熬过酒劲 Let's leave him to sleep it off. 咱们让他睡吧,一觉醒来就没事了。 ˈsleep on sth ( informal) to delay making a decision about sth until the next day, so that you have time to think about it 把…留待第二天决定;把…拖延到第二天再说 Could I sleep on it and let you know tomorrow? 能不能让我晚上考虑考虑,明天答覆你? ˌsleep ˈover to stay the night at sb else's home 在别人家里过夜 It's very late now—why don't you sleep over? 现在已经很晚了,为什么不就睡这儿呢? Can I sleep over at my friend's house? 我能不能在我朋友家过夜? related noun sleepover ˈsleep together | ˈsleep with sb ( informal) to have sex with sb, especially sb you are not married to 和某人(尤指非配偶)发生性关系 I know he's going out with her, but I don't think they're sleeping together. 我知道他跟她在谈恋爱,不过我想他们还不至于上床吧。 Everyone knows she sleeps with the boss. 人人知道她跟老板睡觉。 noun 1 [uncountable ] the natural state of rest in which your eyes are closed, your body is not active, and your mind is not conscious 睡觉;睡眠 I need to get some sleep. 我得睡一会儿。 I didn't get much sleeplast night. 昨晚我没睡好。 Can you give me something to help me get to sleep (= start sleeping)? 你能不能给我点能让我入睡的东西? Go to sleep—it's late. 快睡吧,不早了。 He cried out in his sleep. 他在睡梦中大叫。 Anxiety can be caused by lack of sleep. 睡眠不足可能导致焦虑。 His talk nearly sent me to sleep (= it was boring). 他的讲话差点让我睡着了。 Try to go back to sleep. 再继续睡吧。 2 [singular ] a period of sleep 睡眠时间;一觉 Did you have a good sleep? 睡得好吗? Ros fell into a deep sleep. 罗斯睡着了,睡得很沉。 I'll feel better after a good night's sleep (= a night when I sleep well). 好好睡一晚,我就会觉得好些了。 3 [uncountable ] ( informal) the substance that sometimes forms in the corners of your eyes after you have been sleeping 眼屎 IDIOMS be able to do sth in your ˈsleep ( informal) to be able to do sth very easily because you have done it many times before 闭着眼睛也能做 ˌgo to ˈsleep ( informal) if part of your body goes to sleep,you lose the sense of feeling in it, usually because it has been in the same position for too long (身体某部位)麻木,发麻 not lose ˈsleep/lose no ˈsleep over sth to not worry much about sth 不大为某事操心 It's not worth losing sleep over. 那件事不值得焦虑。 put sb to ˈsleep ( informal) to make sb unconscious before an operation by using drugs (called an anaesthetic ) (用药物)麻醉 put sth to ˈsleep to kill a sick or injured animal by giving it drugs so that it dies without pain. People say put to sleep to avoid saying kill . (用药物)使长眠,无痛苦地杀死(生病或受伤的动物) more at wink n. SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 sleep doze nap snooze These words all mean to rest with your eyes closed and your mind and body not active. 以上各词均含睡觉、入睡之意。 sleep to rest with your eyes shut and your mind and body not active 指睡、睡觉、入睡: Did you sleep well? 你睡得好吗? I couldn't sleep last night. 我昨天晚上睡不着。 NOTEIt is more usual to say that sb is asleepthan that they are sleeping;but if you use an adverb to say how they are sleeping, use sleeping. 表示在睡觉,asleep 较 sleeping 常用,但如果用副词表示睡的状态就用 sleeping: ‘What's Ashley doing?’ ‘Sh! She's asleep.’ “阿什利在干什么?”“嘘,她在睡觉。” The baby was sleeping peacefully. 婴儿睡得很安稳。 The baby was asleep peacefully. doze to sleep lightly, waking up easily, often when you are not in bed 指打瞌睡、打盹儿,通常不是躺在床上: He was dozing in front of the TV. 他在电视机前打瞌睡。 nap to sleep for a short time, especially during the day 尤指日间的小睡、打盹 snooze ( informal) to sleep lightly for a short time, especially during the day and usually not in bed 尤指日间的小睡、打盹,通常不是躺在床上: My brother was snoozing on the sofa. 我弟弟正在沙发上打盹。 PATTERNS to sleep/doze lightly / lightly to doze/snooze gently sleep / sliːp ; NAmE sliːp / slept / slept ; NAmE slept /
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