drive 英 [draɪv]   美 [draɪv]


drive  英 [draɪv] 美 [draɪv]

v. 开车 

进行时:driving  过去式:drove  过去分词:driven  第三人称单数:drives  名词复数:drives 

Can you drive? 你会开车吗?
Don't drive so fast! 别开得那么快!

  • To drive is to operate or travel in a motor vehicle. You can drive a car, a bus, or a go-kart.
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  • v. 开车
  • 1. Can you drive?


  • 2. Don't drive so fast!


  • 3. I drove to work this morning.


  • 4. He drives a taxi.


  • 5. to drive sb crazy, to drive sb mad, to drive sb insane


  • 6. to drive sheep into a field


  • 7. Let's go for a drive.


  • drive (n.) 1690s, "act of driving," from drive (v.). Meaning "excursion by vehicle" is from 1785. Golfing sense of "forcible blow" is from 1836. Meaning "organized effort to raise money" is 1889, American English. Sense of "dynamism" is from 1908. In the computing sense, first attested 1963.
  • drive (v.) Old English drifan "to drive, force, hunt, pursue; rush against" (class I strong verb; past tense draf, past participle drifen), from Proto-Germanic *driban (source also of Old Frisian driva, Old Saxon driban, Dutch drijven, Old High German triban, German treiben, Old Norse drifa, Gothic dreiban "to drive"), from PIE root *dhreibh- "to drive, push." Original sense of "pushing from behind," altered in Modern English by application to automobiles. Related: Driving.
drive / draɪv ; NAmE draɪv / verb , noun drive drives drove driving driven verb ( drove / drəʊv ; NAmE droʊv / , driven / ˈdrɪvn ; NAmE ˈdrɪvn / ) vehicle 交通工具 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to operate a vehicle so that it goes in a particular direction 驾驶;开车 Can you drive? 你会开车吗? Don't drive so fast! 别开得那么快! I drove to work this morning. 我今天早上开车去上班。 Shall we drive (= go there by car)or go by train? 我们开车去还是乘火车去? drivesth He drives a taxi (= that is his job). 他是开出租车的。 collocationsat driving 2 [transitive ] drivesb (+ adv./prep.) to take sb somewhere in a car, taxi, etc. 驾车送(人) Could you drive me home? 你可以开车送我回家吗? synonyms at take 3 [transitive ] drivesth to own or use a particular type of vehicle 拥有(或驾驶)…汽车 What car do you drive? 你开什么车? machine 机器 4 [transitive ,  usually passive ] drivesth to provide the power that makes a machine work 驱动;推动 a steam-driven locomotive 蒸汽机车 make sb do sth 使人做某事 5 [transitive ] drivesb (+ adv./prep.) to force sb to act in a particular way 迫使;驱使 The urge to survive drove them on. 求生的欲望驱使他们继续下去。 You're driving yourself too hard. 你把自己弄得太累了。 6 [transitive ] to make sb very angry, crazy, etc. or to make them do sth extreme 迫使(某人生气、发疯或做出极端事情) drivesb + adj. to drive sb crazy/mad/insane 把某人逼得发疯╱发狂╱失去理智 drivesb to do sth Hunger drove her to steal. 饥饿迫使她去偷窃。 drivesb to sth Those kids are driving me to despair. 那些孩子让我都快绝望了。 ( humorous) It's enough to drive you to drink (= to make you start drinking too much alcohol). 这种事足以逼得人拚命喝酒。 make sb/sth move 使移动 7 [transitive ] drivesb/sth + adv./prep. to force sb/sth to move in a particular direction 驱赶;赶走;驱逐 to drive sheep into a field 把羊群赶到田野里 The enemy was driven back. 敌人被击退了。 cause sth to make progress 推动 8 [transitive ] drivesth to influence sth or cause it to make progress 激励;促进;推进 This is the main factor driving investment in the area. 这是推动在这个地区投资的主要因素。 hit/push 击;推 9 [transitive ] drivesth + adv./prep. to force sth to go in a particular direction or into a particular position by pushing it, hitting it, etc. 击;打;敲;推 to drive a nail into a piece of wood 把钉子钉进一块木头 make a hole 打洞 10 [transitive ] drivesth + adv./prep. to make an opening in or through sth by using force 凿;挖掘 They drove a tunnel through the solid rock. 他们凿出一条穿过坚固岩石的隧道。 in sport 体育运动 11 [transitive ,  intransitive ] drive(sth) (+ adv./prep.) to hit a ball with force, sending it forward 猛抽,猛击(球) to drive the ball into the rough (= in golf) 将球击入长草区(高尔夫球) wind/water 风;水 12 [transitive ] drivesth (+ adv./prep.) to carry sth along 吹;卷;刮;冲 Huge waves drove the yacht onto the rocks. 巨浪将快艇冲到岩石上。 13 [intransitive ] (+ adv./prep.) to fall or move rapidly and with great force 猛落;急速驱进 The waves drove against the shore. 波浪冲击着岸边。 IDIOMS drive a coach and ˈhorses through sth to spoil sth, for example a plan 毁掉,糟蹋,破坏(计划等) drive sth ˈhome (to sb) to make sb understand or accept sth by saying it often, loudly, angrily, etc. 把…讲透彻;阐明;使充分理解 You will really need to drive your point home. 你的确需要把你的观点阐释清楚。 what sb is ˈdriving at ( informal) the thing sb is trying to say 某人的用意;某人话中的意思 I wish I knew what they were driving at. 我要是知道他们的用意就好了。 more at ground n. , hard adj. , snow n. PHRASAL VERBS ˌdrive aˈway | ˌdrive sb/sth aˈway to leave in a vehicle; to take sb away in a vehicle 驱车离开;驾车送走 We heard him drive away. 我们听到他驱车离去了。 Someone drove the car away in the night. 有人夜里把车开走了。 ˌdrive sb aˈway to make sb not want to stay or not want to go somewhere 使离去;使不愿久留;使不想去(某地) Her constant nagging drove him away. 她不断的唠叨把他给赶跑了。 Terrorist threats are driving away tourists. 恐怖分子的威胁吓跑了观光客。 ˌdrive ˈoff 1 (of a driver, car, etc. 驾驶者、汽车等 ) to leave 驱车离去;驶去 The robbers drove off in a stolen vehicle. 劫匪驾驶着一辆偷来的汽车逃跑了。 2 (in golf 高尔夫球 ) to hit the ball to begin a game 开(球) ˌdrive sb/sth↔ˈoff to force sb/sth to go back or away 击退;赶走 The defenders drove off each attack. 防守队员击退了每一次进攻。 ˌdrive ˈon to continue driving 驱车继续行驶 Don't stop—drive on! 不要停,继续往前开! ˌdrive sb/sth↔ˈout (of sth) to make sb/sth disappear or stop doing sth 驱散;消除;使停止 New fashions drive out old ones. 新款式服装使旧的款式不再流行。 ˌdrive sth↔ˈup/ˈdown to make sth such as prices rise or fall quickly 抬高(或压低);使上升(或下跌) noun in/of vehicle 交通工具 1 [countable ] a journey in a car or other vehicle 驱车旅行;驾车路程 Let's go for a drive. 咱们开车去兜兜风吧。 It's a three-hour drive to London. 到伦敦要三小时的驾车路程。 2 [countable ,  uncountable ] the equipment in a vehicle that takes power from the engine to the wheels 传动(或驱动)装置 the drive shaft 驱动轴 a car with four-wheel drive 四轮驱动汽车 a left-/right-hand drivecar (= a car where the driver and the controls are on the left/right) 左╱右座驾驶的汽车 outside house 住宅外面 3 ( also drive·way ) [countable ] a wide hard path or a private road that leads from the street to a house (从街道通向住宅的宽阔或私人的)车道 There were two cars parked in/onthe drive. 车道上停了两辆汽车。 effort 努力 4 [countable ] an organized effort by a group of people to achieve sth (团体为达到某目的而进行的)有组织的努力,运动 a recruitment/export/economy drive 征兵╱出口╱经济运动 drivefor sth a drive for greater efficiency 为提高效率而进行的运动 driveto do sth the government's drive to reduce energy consumption 政府为减少能源消耗而发起的运动 synonyms at campaign desire/energy 欲望;精力 5 [countable ,  uncountable ] a strong desire or need in people (人的)强烈欲望,本能需求 a strong sexual drive 强烈的性欲 6 [uncountable ] ( approving) a strong desire to do things and achieve sth; great energy 冲劲;干劲;精力 He'll do very well—he has tremendous drive. 他会干得很出色的,他干劲十足。 in sport 体育运动 7 [countable ] a long hard hit or kick 猛击;猛踢 She has a strong forehand drive (= in tennis). 她正手击球强而有力。 He scored with a brilliant 25-yard drive. 他在 25 码外一脚劲射入球得分。 computing 计算机技术 8 [countable ] the part of a computer that reads and stores information on disks or tapes 驱动器 a 750GB hard drive *750 吉字节的硬盘 a CD drive 光盘驱动器 see also disk drive games 游戏 9 [countable ] ( BrE) a social occasion when a lot of people compete in a game such as whistor bingo (惠斯特或宾戈纸牌游戏)比赛;玩纸牌的聚会 animals/enemy 动物;敌人 10 [countable ] an act of chasing animals or the enemy and making them go into a smaller area, especially in order to kill or capture them 驱赶;赶拢;(尤指)围攻,围歼 road 11 Drive ( abbr.Dr ) used in the names of roads (用于路名)路,大道 21 Island Heights Drive 艾兰海茨路 21 号 drive / draɪv ; NAmE draɪv / drove / drəʊv ; NAmE droʊv / driven / ˈdrɪvn ; NAmE ˈdrɪvn /
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