dishonor   美 [dɪs'ɑnɚ]


dishonor  美 [dɪs'ɑnɚ]

n. 拒付;不名誉;丢脸  vt. 使蒙羞;玷辱 


To stall in the air is for them disgrace and it is dishonor. 在空中失去平衡,对海鸥来说是丢脸的事,是极不光彩的事。
Religion, security, nationalism, and personal concerns about dishonor are all thought to play a role. 宗教,不安全感,民族主义,和个人对于不名誉的焦虑都在动机里扮演着一个角色。

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  • n. 拒付;不名誉;丢脸
  • vt. 使蒙羞;玷辱
  • 1. To stall in the air is for them disgrace and it is dishonor.


  • 2. Religion, security, nationalism, and personal concerns about dishonor are all thought to play a role.


  • 3. Alone, homesick, and worried that she would fail and dishonor her family, she learned English by watching BBC news broadcasts and studied up to 20 hours a day for college entrance exams.


  • dishonor (n.) c. 1300, from Old French deshonor (12c.); see dishonor (v.).
  • dishonor (v.) mid-13c., from Old French deshonorer (12c.), from Late Latin dishonorare (reformed from classical Latin dehonestare), from dis- "opposite of" (see dis-) + honorare "to honor" (see honor (v.)). Related: Dishonored; dishonoring.
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