dean 英 [di:n]   美 [din]


dean  英 [di:n] 美 [din]

n. 院长;系主任;教务长;主持牧师 


Our dean hasn’t turned 40 yet. 我们系主任还不到40岁。
He has obtained the consent of the dean for going abroad. 他出国已经取得系主任的同意。

  • A dean is the head of a specific area of a college, university, or private school. When you're thinking about studying in Madagascar for a semester, you might make an appointment to talk to the study abroad dean.
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  • n. 院长;系主任;教务长;主持牧师
  • 1. Our dean hasn’t turned 40 yet.


  • 2. He has obtained the consent of the dean for going abroad.


  • 3. The dean tasked me to conduct experiments with new teaching methods.


  • dean (n.) early 14c., from Old French deien (12c., Modern French doyen), from Late Latin decanus "head of a group of 10 monks in a monastery," from earlier secular meaning "commander of 10 soldiers" (which was extended to civil administrators in the late empire), from Greek dekanos, from deka "ten" (from PIE root *dekm- "ten"). Replaced Old English teoðingealdor. College sense is from 1570s (in Latin from late 13c.).
dean / diːn ; NAmE diːn / noun 1 (in the Anglican Church 圣公会 ) a priest of high rank who is in charge of the other priests in a cathedral 座堂主任牧师 2 ( also ˌrural ˈdean ) ( BrE) a priest who is in charge of the priests of several churches in an area (乡间主管若干教堂牧师的)主任牧师 3 a person in a university who is in charge of a department of studies (大学的)学院院长,系主任 4 (in a college or university, especially at Oxford or Cambridge) a person who is responsible for the discipline of students (大学,尤指牛津、剑桥大学的)学监 5 ( NAmE) = doyen dean deans dean / diːn ; NAmE diːn /
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