damage 英 [ˈdæmɪdʒ]   美 [ˈdæmɪdʒ]


damage  英 [ˈdæmɪdʒ] 美 [ˈdæmɪdʒ]

n. 损害;损毁;  v. 损害;损毁 

进行时:damaging  过去式:damaged  过去分词:damaged  第三人称单数:damages  名词复数:damages 

fire damage, smoke damage, bomb damage, storm damage 火灾损失;烟雾熏坏;炸弹毁坏;暴风雨破坏
brain/liver etc. damage 脑、肝等损伤

  • When you damage something you hurt it in a way that makes it less valuable or useful. Say you throw a baseball and it flies over your friend's head and cracks your dad's windshield. Congratulations, you've damaged your dad's car.
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  • n. 损害;损毁;
  • v. 损害;损毁
  • 1. fire damage, smoke damage, bomb damage, storm damage


  • 2. brain/liver etc. damage


  • 3. The storm didn't domuch damage.


  • 4. Let's take a look at the damage.


  • 5. damage to a person's reputation


  • 6. They intend to sue for damages.


  • 7. Several vehicles were damaged in the crash.


  • 8. emotionally damaged children


  • damage (n.) late 13c., from Old French damage (12c., Modern French dommage) "loss caused by injury," from dam "damage," from Latin damnum "loss, hurt, damage" (see damn).
  • damage (v.) early 14c., from Old French damagier, from damage (see damage (n.)). Related: Damaged; damaging.
dam·age / ˈdæmɪdʒ ; NAmE ˈdæmɪdʒ / noun , verb damage damages damaged damaging noun 1 [uncountable ] damage(to sth) physical harm caused to sth which makes it less attractive, useful or valuable (有形的)损坏,破坏,损失 serious/severe/extensive/permanent/minor damage 重大的╱严重的╱大范围的╱永久性的╱轻微的损坏 brain/liver etc. damage 脑、肝等损伤 fire/smoke/bomb/storm damage 火灾损失;烟雾熏坏;炸弹毁坏;暴风雨破坏 The earthquake caused damage to property estimated at $6 million. 地震造成大约 600 万元的财产损失。 The storm didn't domuch damage. 暴风雨并未造成严重损失。 Let's take a look at the damage. 让我们看看损失情况吧。 I insist on paying for the damage. 我坚持要赔偿损失。 Make sure you insure your camera against loss or damage. 一定要给你的照相机投保,以防丢失或损坏。 2 [uncountable ] damage(to sb/sth) harmful effects on sb/sth 损害;伤害 emotional damage resulting from divorce 离婚引起的感情伤害 damage to a person's reputation 对个人名誉的损害 This could cause serious damage to the country's economy. 这可能对国家的经济造成严重破坏。 I'm going—I've done enough damage here already. 我要走了 — 我在这里造成的损害已经够大了。 3 damages [plural ] an amount of money that a court decides should be paid to sb by the person, company, etc. that has caused them harm or injury (法院判定的)损害赔偿金 He was ordered to pay damages totalling £30 000. 他被责令支付总额为 3 万英镑的损害赔偿金。 They intend to sue for damages. 他们打算起诉,要求赔偿损失。 Ann was awarded £6 000 (in) damages. 安被判予 6 000 英镑的损害赔偿金。 IDIOM what's the ˈdamage? ( informal) a way of asking how much sth costs 要花多少钱 verb damagesth/sb to harm or spoil sth/sb 损害;伤害;毁坏;破坏 The fire badly damaged the town hall. 火灾使市政厅遭到严重破坏。 Several vehicles were damaged in the crash. 好几辆汽车在撞车事故中损坏了。 Smoking seriously damages your health. 吸烟严重损害人体健康。 The allegations are likely to damage his political career. 这些指控有可能对他的政治生涯造成伤害。 emotionally damaged children 感情上受伤害的孩子 collocationsat injury SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 damage hurt harm impair These words all mean to have a bad effect on sb/sth. 以上各词均含伤害、损害之意。 damage to cause physical harm to sth, making it less attractive, useful or valuable; to have a bad effect on sb/sth's life, health, happiness or chances of success 指毁坏、破坏、伤害、损害: The fire badly damaged the town hall. 火灾使市政厅遭到严重破坏。 emotionally damaged children 感情上受伤害的孩子 hurt ( rather informal) to have a bad effect on sb/sth's life, health, happiness or chances of success 指伤害、损害: Hard work never hurt anyone. 努力工作绝无害处。 harm to have a bad effect on sb/sth's life, health, happiness or chances of success 指伤害、损害: Pollution can harm marine life. 污染会危及海洋生物。 damage, hurt or harm? 用 damage、hurt 还是 harm? Hurtis slightly less formal than damageor harm,especially when it is used in negative statements. 与 damage 或 harm 相比,hurt 稍非正式,用于否定句时尤其如此: It won't hurt him to have to wait a bit. 等上一会儿对他无妨。 It won't damage/harm him to have to wait a bit. Harmis also often used to talk about ways in which things in the natural world such as wildlifeand the environmentare affected by human activity. *harm 亦常用于自然界中的事物(如野生生物和环境)受到人类活动的影响。 impair ( rather formal) to damage sb's health, abilities or chances 指损害、削弱(健康、能力或机会): Even one drink can impair driving performance. 即使一杯酒也可能影响驾驶操作。 PATTERNS to damage/hurt/harm/impair sb's chances to damage/hurt/harm sb's interests / interests to damage/harm/impair sb's health to seriously / seriously damage/hurt/harm/impair sb/sth to badly / badly damage/hurt/impair sb/sth dam·age / ˈdæmɪdʒ ; NAmE ˈdæmɪdʒ /
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