cure 英 [kjʊə(r)]   美 [kjʊr]


cure  英 [kjʊə(r)] 美 [kjʊr]

v. 治疗;治愈  n. 治疗;治愈 

进行时:curing  过去式:cured  过去分词:cured  第三人称单数:cures  名词复数:cures 

Will you be able to cure him, Doctor? 医生,你能把他治好吗?
TB is a serious illness, but it can be cured. 肺结核虽然是一种严重的疾病,但可治愈。

  • A cure is a treatment that ends an illness or makes you feel better. There is no cure for the common cold, or for a broken heart. Waaaaa.
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  • v. 治疗;治愈
  • n. 治疗;治愈
  • 1. Will you be able to cure him, Doctor?


  • 2. TB is a serious illness, but it can be cured.


  • 3. I finally managed to cure the rattling noise in my car.


  • 4. the search for a cure for cancer


  • 5. There is no known cure but the illness can be treated.


  • 6. The cure took six weeks.


  • 7. a cure for poverty


  • cure (n.1) c. 1300, "care, heed," from Latin cura "care, concern, trouble," with many figurative extensions, such as "study; administration; a mistress," and also "means of healing, remedy," from Old Latin coira-, a noun of unknown origin. Meaning "medical care" is late 14c.
  • cure (n.2) parish priest, from French curé (13c.), from Medieval Latin curatus (see curate).
  • cure (v.) late 14c., from Old French curer, from Latin curare "take care of," hence, in medical language, "treat medically, cure" (see cure (n.1)). In reference to fish, pork, etc., first recorded 1743. Related: Cured; curing.
cure / kjʊə(r) ; NAmE kjʊr / verb , noun cure cures cured curing verb 1 curesb (of sth) to make a person or an animal healthy again after an illness 治愈,治好(病人或动物) Will you be able to cure him, Doctor? 医生,你能把他治好吗? collocationsat ill 2 curesth to make an illness go away 治好(疾病) TB is a serious illness, but it can be cured. 肺结核虽然是一种严重的疾病,但可治愈。 3 curesth to deal with a problem successfully 解决,了结(问题) I finally managed to cure the rattling noise in my car. 我最终设法解决了我汽车发出的格格响声。 4 curesb of sth to stop sb from behaving in a particular way, especially a way that is bad or annoying 矫正,改正(某人的不良行为) 5 curesth to treat food or tobaccowith smoke, salt, etc. in order to preserve it (用熏、腌等方法)加工贮藏(食物或烟草) IDIOMsee kill v. noun 1 cure(for sth) a medicine or medical treatment that cures an illness 药;药物;疗法 the search for a cure for cancer 对癌症治疗方法的寻求 There is no known cure but the illness can be treated. 这种病尚没有确切的治愈方法,但可以医治。 2 the act of curing sb of an illness or the process of being cured 治疗;疗程 Doctors cannot effect a cure if the disease has spread too far. 假如这种疾病已扩散得厉害,医生也无法妙手回春。 The cure took six weeks. 此疗程花了六个星期。 3 cure(for sth) something that will solve a problem, improve a bad situation, etc. (解决问题、改善糟糕情况等的)措施,对策 a cure for poverty 解决贫穷问题的措施 IDIOMsee prevention cure / kjʊə(r) ; NAmE kjʊr /
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