card 英 [kɑ:d]   美 [kɑrd]


card  英 [kɑ:d] 美 [kɑrd]

n. 卡片;纸牌; 

进行时:carding  过去式:carded  过去分词:carded  第三人称单数:cards  名词复数:cards 

a membership card 会员卡
You have his card? 你有他的名片吧?

  • A card is a thick, often square or rectangular piece of paper. A schmoozer might hand you a business card, or you might send your mom a Mother’s Day card, or perhaps you’ll play poker with a deck of cards.
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  • n. 卡片;纸牌;
  • 1. a membership card


  • 2. You have his card?


  • 3. a piece of card


  • 4. a birthday/get-well/good luck card


  • 5. Who wants to play cards?


  • 6. Did you get my card from Italy?


  • 7. I've never been very good at cards.


  • 8. Sorry, I left my credit card at home.

    对不起, 我把信用卡落在家里了。

  • card (n.1) early 15c., "a playing card," from Old French carte (14c.), from Medieval Latin carta/charta "a card, paper; a writing, a charter," from Latin charta "leaf of paper, a writing, tablet," from Greek khartes "layer of papyrus," which is probably from Egyptian. Form influenced by Italian cognate carta "paper, leaf of paper." Compare chart (n.). The shift in English from -t to -d is unexplained.
  • card (n.2) "implement or machine for combing, brush with wire teeth used in disentangling fibers for spinning," late 14c. (mid-14c. in surname Cardmaker), from Old French carde "card, teasel," from Old Provençal cardo or some other Romanic source (compare Spanish and Italian carda "thistle, tease, card," back-formation from cardar "to card" (see card (v.2)). The English word probably also comes via Anglo-Latin cardo, from Medieval Latin carda "a teasel," from Latin carduus.
  • card (v.1) 1540s, "to play cards" (now obsolete), from card (n.1). From 1925 as "to write (something) on a card for filing." Meaning "require (someone) to show an identification card" is from 1970s. Related: Carded; carding.
  • card (v.2) "to comb wool," late 14c., from card (n.2) or else from Old French carder, from Old Provençal cardar "to card," from Vulgar Latin *caritare, from Latin carrere "to clean or comb with a card," perhaps from PIE root *kars- "to scrape" (see harsh). Related: Carded; carding.
card / kɑːd ; NAmE kɑːrd / noun , verb card cards carded carding noun paper 1 [uncountable ] ( BrE) thick stiff paper 卡片纸;厚纸片;薄纸板 a piece of card 一张卡片纸 The model of the building was made of card. 建筑物的模型是用厚纸片制造的。 with information 资料 2 [countable ] a small piece of stiff paper or plastic with information on it, especially information about sb's identity (尤指显示个人资料的)卡片 a membership card 会员卡 an appointment card 预约卡 see also green card , identity card , loyalty card , red card , report card at report n.  (5 ) , yellow card 3 [countable ] = business card Here's my card if you need to contact me again. 如果你需要再和我联系,这是我的名片。 4 [countable ] = visiting card for money 代替货币 5 [countable ] a small piece of plastic, especially one given by a bank or shop/store, used for buying things or obtaining money 信用卡;现金卡;储值卡 I put the meal on (= paid for it using)my card. 我用信用卡支付餐费。 see also cash card , charge card , cheque card , chip card , credit card , debit card , phonecard , SIM card , smart card , swipe card with a message 信息 6 [countable ] a piece of stiff paper that is folded in the middle and has a picture on the front of it, used for sending sb a message with your good wishes, an invitation, etc. 贺卡;慰问卡;请柬 a birthday/get-well/good luck card 生日贺卡;祝愿康复卡;幸运贺卡 see also Christmas card , greetings card 7 [countable ] = postcard Did you get my card from Italy? 你收到我从意大利寄出的明信片了吗? in games 游戏 8 [countable ] = playing card ( BrE) a pack of cards 一副纸牌 ( NAmE) a deck of cards 一副纸牌 see also trump card , wild card 9 cards [plural ] a game or games in which playing cardsare used 纸牌游戏 Who wants to play cards? 谁想玩牌? I've never been very good at cards. 我打牌的技术向来不高。 Let's have a game of cards. 咱们来玩纸牌吧。 She won £20 at cards. 她打牌赢了 20 英镑。 computing 计算机技术 10 [countable ] a small device containing an electronic circuitthat is part of a computer or added to it, enabling it to perform particular functions 电路板卡;插件 a printed circuit card 印刷电路卡 a graphics/network/sound card 图形卡;网卡;声卡 see also expansion card person 11 [countable ] ( old-fashioned, informal) an unusual or amusing person 怪人;引人发笑的人;活宝 horse races 赛马 12 [countable ] a list of all the races at a particular race meeting(= a series of horse races) (赛马大会的)赛事一览表 for wool/cotton 毛;棉 13 [countable ] ( technical 术语 ) a machine or tool used for cleaning and combingwool or cotton before it is spun 梳理机;梳理工具 IDIOMS sb's best/strongest/winning ˈcard something that gives sb an advantage over other people in a particular situation 某人的王牌;最强有力的一招;制胜的绝招 get your ˈcards ( BrE) ( informal) to be told to leave a job 被解雇;被炒鱿鱼 give sb their ˈcards ( BrE) ( informal) to make sb leave their job 解雇;开除;炒…的鱿鱼 have a card up your ˈsleeve to have an idea, a plan, etc. that will give you an advantage in a particular situation and that you keep secret until it is needed 有锦囊妙计;留有一招 hold all the ˈcards ( informal) to be able to control a particular situation because you have an advantage over other people 能控制局势;应付自如;占上风 hold/keep/play your cards close to your ˈchest to keep your ideas, plans, etc. secret 守口如瓶;秘而不宣 lay/put your cards on the ˈtable to tell sb honestly what your plans, ideas, etc. are 摊牌;(把计划或想法等)和盘托出 on the ˈcards ( BrE) ( NAmE in the ˈcards ) ( informal) likely to happen 可能发生的;可能的 The merger has been on the cards for some time now. 合并的事情已经酝酿了一段时间。 play the … card to mention a particular subject, idea or quality in order to gain an advantage 打…牌;出…招 He accused his opponent of playing the immigration card during the campaign. 他指责对手在竞选活动中打移民牌。 see also race card play your ˈcards right to deal successfully with a particular situation so that you achieve some advantage or sth that you want 办事精明;做事有盘算;处理得当 more at show v. , stacked verb 1 cardsth ( technical 术语 ) to clean wool using a wire instrument (用钢丝刷)梳理 2 cardsb ( NAmE) ( informal) to ask a person to show their identity cardas a means of checking how old they are, for example if they want to buy alcohol 要求出示身分证(以确认年龄,如购酒时) card / kɑːd ; NAmE kɑːrd /
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