beeper 英 [ˈbi:pə(r)]   美 [ˈbipɚ]


beeper  英 [ˈbi:pə(r)] 美 [ˈbipɚ]

n. 能发出哔哔声音的仪器;导弹遥控员 


I found a beeper on my desk. Is that yours? 在我桌上我发现了一个寻呼机。是你的吗?
Consider getting a beeper or cellular telephone if your job requires you to be on the move. 当你的工作是需要你到处奔走时,你可以考虑带上传呼机或移动手机。

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  • n. 能发出哔哔声音的仪器;导弹遥控员
  • 1. I found a beeper on my desk. Is that yours?


  • 2. Consider getting a beeper or cellular telephone if your job requires you to be on the move.


  • 3. Each child will be able to use their matchbox-sized beeper, fitted with GPS (global positioning system) technology, to activate any nearby cameras and alert parents and police via mobile phone.


  • beeper (n.) "device that emits beeps," 1946, agent noun from beep (v.).
beep·er / ˈbiːpə(r) ; NAmE ˈbiːpər / noun ( especially NAmE) = bleeper beeper beepers beep·er / ˈbiːpə(r) ; NAmE ˈbiːpər /
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