anorexic 英 [ˌænəˈreksɪk]   美 [ˌænəˈrɛksɪk]


anorexic  英 [ˌænəˈreksɪk] 美 [ˌænəˈrɛksɪk]

n. 患厌食症的人  adj. 厌食的 


For instance, Italian label Nolita caused a stir in 2007 with billboards showing a naked, anorexic woman. 比如说,意大利时尚品牌Nolita在2007年的广告中展示了一个患厌食症的裸体女性,引发了各界争议。
You wake up on the groggy side, feeling stuffed and a little anorexic, walk to the kitchen, and there you find the remnants of a midnight snack -- usually high-fat, high-calorie foods. 早上起床,你感到头昏眼花,肚子饱胀,还有点厌食;来到厨房,你发现有夜里吃点心留下的痕迹——通常是高脂肪、高热量食品。

  • A disorder that causes loss of appetite or an obsession with losing weight is called anorexia. People who suffer from anorexia restrict their food and often have elaborate rituals around preparing it.
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  • n. 患厌食症的人
  • adj. 厌食的
  • 1. For instance, Italian label Nolita caused a stir in 2007 with billboards showing a naked, anorexic woman.


  • 2. You wake up on the groggy side, feeling stuffed and a little anorexic, walk to the kitchen, and there you find the remnants of a midnight snack -- usually high-fat, high-calorie foods.


  • 3. Even as an anorexic I knew this was bad, and I had to do something.


  • anorexic (adj.) 1876; see anorexia + -ic. The immediate source or model is perhaps French anorexique. As a noun meaning "person with anorexia nervosa" it is attested from 1913.
an·or·exic / ˌænəˈreksɪk ; NAmE ˌænəˈreksɪk / noun a person who is suffering from anorexia 厌食者;食欲缺乏者 an·or·exic adjective She's anorexic. 她是厌食症患者。 anorexic anorexics an·or·exic / ˌænəˈreksɪk ; NAmE ˌænəˈreksɪk /
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