anon. 英 [əˈnɒn]   美 [əˈnɑn]


anon.  英 [əˈnɒn] 美 [əˈnɑn]

abbr. 无名的(Anonymous) 

You'll see the details of this method anon. 您将看到这个匿名方法的细节。
When things aren't adding up in your life, start subtracting. - Anon. 当增加的物质不再增添你对生活的满足,开始考虑做减法吧。

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  • abbr. 无名的(Anonymous)
  • 1. You'll see the details of this method anon.


  • 2. When things aren't adding up in your life, start subtracting. - Anon.


  • 3. She hears him coming and hides, sees him put the potions into two cups of wine and bid the timid little servant, "Bear them to the captives in their cells, and tell them I shall come anon."


anon. / əˈnɒn ; NAmE əˈnɑːn / abbreviation anonymous anon. / əˈnɒn ; NAmE əˈnɑːn /
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