why 英 [waɪ]   美 [hwaɪ, waɪ]


why  英 [waɪ] 美 [hwaɪ, waɪ]

int. 哎呀!什么?  adv. 为什么 


why is he taller than me? 为啥它比我高?
Why were you late? 你为什么迟到?

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  • int. 哎呀!什么?
  • adv. 为什么
  • 1. why is he taller than me?


  • 2. Why were you late?


  • 3. Why not write to her?


  • 4. Tell me why you did it.


  • 5. That's why I left so early.


why / waɪ ; NAmE waɪ / adverb , exclamation , noun why whys adverb 1 used in questions to ask the reason for or purpose of sth (用于问句)为什么,为何 Why were you late? 你为什么迟到? Tell me why you did it. 告诉我你为什么这样做。 ‘I would like you to go.’ ‘ Why me? “我希望你去。”“为什么要我去呢?” ( informal) Why oh whydo people keep leaving the door open? 人们到底为什么总敞着门呢? 2 used in questions to suggest that it is not necessary to do sth (反问,表示不必)何必 Why get upset just because you got one bad grade? 何必因为一次成绩不好就想不开呢? Why bother to write? We'll see him tomorrow. 还费事写信干什么?我们明天就见到他了。 3 used to give or talk about a reason (说明理由)为什么,…的原因 That's why I left so early. 这就是我早早离去的原因。 I know you did it—I just want to know why. 我知道这是你干的,我只是想知道为什么。 The reason whythe injection needs repeating every year is that the virus changes. 每年需要重新注射的原因是这病毒经常变化。 IDIOMS why ˈever used in questions to mean ‘why’, expressing surprise (用于问句,语带惊讶)究竟为什么 Why ever didn't you tell us before? 你为什么不早告诉我们呢? ˌwhy ˈnot? used to make or agree to a suggestion (提出或赞同建议)为什么不呢,好哇 Why not write to her? 为什么不给她写信呢? ‘Let's eat out.’ ‘ Why not? “咱们到外边吃去吧。”“好哇。” Why don'twe go together? 我们为什么不一起去呢? exclamation ( old-fashioned or NAmE) used to express surprise, lack of patience, etc. (惊讶、不耐烦等时说)哎呀,呦,哟,嗨 Why Jane, it's you! 呦,简,是你呀! Why, it's easy—a child could do it! 嗨,这容易得很,连小孩子都干得了! noun IDIOM the ˌwhys and (the) ˈwherefores the reasons for sth 理由;原因;缘故 I had no intention of going into the whys and the wherefores of the situation. 我无意深入调查这一情况的来龙去脉。 why / waɪ ; NAmE waɪ /
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