voluntary 英 [ˈvɒləntri]   美 [ˈvɑlənteri]


voluntary  英 [ˈvɒləntri] 美 [ˈvɑlənteri]

adj. 自愿的;自发的  n. 志愿者 


a voluntary worker 志愿工作者
a voluntary agreement 自愿协议

  • Voluntary is an adjective that describes something you do because you want to, without being influenced or forced into it. Usually a voluntary act is something you consciously choose to do, like going into work even on a snow day.
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  • adj. 自愿的;自发的
  • n. 志愿者
  • 1. a voluntary worker


  • 2. a voluntary agreement


  • 3. He took voluntary redundancy.


  • 4. She works there on a voluntary basis.


  • 5. Attendance on the course is purely voluntary.


  • 6. I do some voluntary workat the local hospital.


  • voluntary (adj.) late 14c., from Latin voluntarius "willing, of one's free will," from voluntas "will," from the ancient accusative singular present participle of velle "to wish" (see will (v.)). Originally of feelings, later also of actions (mid-15c.). Related: Voluntarily.
vol·un·tary AWL / ˈvɒləntri ; NAmE ˈvɑːlənteri / adjective , noun voluntary voluntaries adjective 1 done willingly, not because you are forced 自愿的;志愿的;主动的;自告奋勇的 a voluntary agreement 自愿协议 Attendance on the course is purely voluntary. 听这门课纯粹是自愿的。 to pay voluntary contributionsinto a pension fund 自愿向退休基金交款 ( BrE) He took voluntary redundancy. 他选择了自愿裁汰。 OPP compulsory 2 [usually before noun ] (of work 工作 ) done by people who choose to do it without being paid 自愿性的;无偿的;义务性的 I do some voluntary workat the local hospital. 我在当地医院从事一些义务性工作。 She works there on a voluntary basis. 她自愿在那里无偿工作。 voluntary services/bodies/agencies/organizations (= organized, controlled or supported by people who choose to do this and are usually not paid) 义务性服务╱团体╱机构╱组织 the voluntary sector (= organizations which are set up to help people and which do not make a profit, for example charities) 志愿机构 3 [only before noun ] (of a person ) doing a job without wanting to be paid for it 自愿的;志愿的;义务的;自发的 a voluntary worker 志愿工作者 4 ( technical 术语 ) (of movements of the body 人体活动 ) that you can control 随意的;可以控制的 OPP involuntary noun ( plural vol·un·taries ) a piece of music played before, during or after a church service, usually on an organ 仪式终始曲,即兴曲(通常用风琴在教堂礼拜仪式前后或期间演奏) vol·un·tary / ˈvɒləntri ; NAmE ˈvɑːlənteri /
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