
vise 英 [vaɪs] 美 [vaɪs]
vt. 钳住 n. 虎钳,老虎钳
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- vt. 钳住
- n. 虎钳,老虎钳
1. The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work.
2. Moving data between a database and a message -- An application may need to move data from a JMS message to a database table or vise versa.
在数据库和消息之间移动数据-- 应用程序需要将数据从 JMS 消息移动到数据库表,或者相反。
3. Isolating the GUI from the database and vise versa means you can test the GUI without concern for specific data.
把 GUI 与 数据库分离开来意味着我们可以测试 GUI 而无需关心特定的数据。
- vise (n.) early 14c., "a winch, crane," from Anglo-French vice, Old French vis, viz "screw," from Latin vitis "vine, tendril of a vine," literally "that which winds," from root of viere "to bind, twist" (from PIE root *wei- "to turn, twist, bend"). Also in Middle English, "device like a screw or winch for bending a crossbow or catapult; spiral staircase; the screw of a press; twisted tie for fastening a hood under the chin." The modern meaning "clamping tool with two jaws closed by a screw" is first recorded c. 1500.
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