very 英 [ˈveri]   美 [ˈvɛri]


very  英 [ˈveri] 美 [ˈvɛri]

adj. 非常;正是的  adv. 非常,很 

a very hot day 一个非常热的天
very small 很小

  • The word very is an intensifier, suggesting a high degree of a quality. Something great is very good.
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  • adj. 非常;正是的
  • adv. 非常,很
  • 1. a very hot day


  • 2. very small


  • 3. very quickly


  • 4. I am very hungry.


  • 5. They wanted the very best quality.


  • 6. That's the very thing I need.


  • very (adj.) late 13c., verray "true, real, genuine," later "actual, sheer" (late 14c.), from Anglo-French verrai, Old French verai "true, truthful, sincere; right, just, legal," from Vulgar Latin *veracus, from Latin verax (genitive veracis) "truthful," from verus "true" (source also of Italian vero), from PIE root *were-o- "true, trustworthy." Meaning "greatly, extremely" is first recorded mid-15c. Used as a pure intensive since Middle English.
very / ˈveri ; NAmE ˈveri / adverb , adjective very veriest adverb ( abbr.v ) 1 used before adjectives, adverbs and determiners to mean ‘in a high degree’ or ‘extremely’ (置于形容词、副词和限定词前)很,非常,十分,极 very small 很小 very quickly 极快 Very few people know that. 很少有人知道那件事。 Thanks very much. 非常感谢。 ‘Do you like it?’ ‘Yeah, I do. Very much. “你喜欢吗?”“是的,我喜欢,非常喜欢。” ‘Is it what you expected?’ ‘Oh yes, very much so. “这是你所期望的吗?”“啊,是的,非常期望如此。” ‘Are you busy?’ ‘Not very.’ “你忙吗?”“不太忙。” The new building has been very much admired. 这座新建筑物是人见人夸。 I'm not very (= not at all)impressed. 我觉得并不怎么样。 I'm very verygrateful. 我万分感激。 2 used to emphasize a superlative adjective or before own (强调形容词最高级或置于 own 前)完全,十足 They wanted the very bestquality. 他们要最好的质量。 Be there by six at the very latest. 至迟不要超过六点到达那里。 At last he had his very owncar (= belonging to him and to nobody else). 他终于有了完全属于他自己的汽车。 3 the ~ same exactly the same 完全同样;完全同一 Mario said the very same thing. 马里奥说的完全是同一件事。 adjective [only before noun ] 1 used to emphasize that you are talking about a particular thing or person and not about another (特指人或事物)正是的,恰好的,同一的 SYN actual Those were her very words. 这些都是她的原话。 He might be phoning her at this very moment. 他也许这会儿正在给她打电话呢。 That's the very thingI need. 那正是我需要的东西。 2 used to emphasize an extreme place or time (强调极限的地点或时间)最…的,极端的,十足的 It happens at the very beginning of the book. 这事发生在书的一开头。 3 used to emphasize a noun (加强名词的语气)仅仅的,唯独的,甚至于 SYN mere The very thought ofdrink made him feel sick. 他一想到酒就觉得恶心。 ‘I can't do that!’ she gasped, appalled at the very idea. “那事我可不能干!”她一听到这个想法便吃惊地倒抽着冷气。 IDIOMsee eye n. GRAMMAR POINT 语法说明 very / very much Veryis used with adjectives, past participles used as adjectives, and adverbs. *very 与形容词、作形容词的过去分词或副词连用: I am very hungry. 我很饿。 I was very pleased to get your letter. 收到你的信我非常高兴。 You played very well. 你演得很好。 But notice this use 但注意: I’m very much afraidthat your son may be involved in the crime. 我非常担忧,你儿子可能与这桩罪案有牵连。 Veryis not used with past participles that have a passive meaning. Much, very muchor greatly( formal) are usually used instead. 含被动意义的过去分词不与 very 连用,而通常用 much、very much 或 greatly (正式用语): Your help was very much appreciated. 非常感谢您的帮助。 He was much loved by everyone. 他深受大家的爱戴。 She was greatly admired. 她很受赞赏。 Veryis used to emphasize superlative adjectives. *very 用以强调形容词最高级: my very best work 我最好的工作 the very youngest children 这些最小的孩子 However, with comparative adjectives much, very much, a lot,etc. are used. 形容词比较级则用 much、very much、a lot 等: Your work is very much better. 你的工作要好得多。 much younger children 小得多的孩子 Veryis not used with adjectives and adverbs that already have an extreme meaning. You are more likely to use an adverb such as absolutely, completely,etc. 含极端意义的形容词和副词不用 very,而常用 absolutely、completely 等副词: She was absolutely furious. 她愤怒极了。 I’m completely exhausted. 我完全筋疲力尽了。 You played really brilliantly. 你的表现真是棒极了。 Veryis not used with verbs. Use very muchinstead. 动词不用 very,而用 very much: We enjoyed staying with you very much. 我们非常喜欢待在你这里。 very / ˈveri ; NAmE ˈveri /
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