venerable 英 [ˈvenərəbl]   美 [ˈvɛnərəbəl]


venerable  英 [ˈvenərəbl] 美 [ˈvɛnərəbəl]

adj. 值得尊敬的,庄重的 

a venerable old man 德高望重的老人
a venerable institution 令人仰慕的机构

  • To be venerable is to be admired and respected because of your status or age. You become venerable by achieving great things or just by living long enough.
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  • adj. 值得尊敬的,庄重的
  • 1. a venerable old man


  • 2. a venerable institution


  • 3. The cathedral is a venerable building.


  • venerable (adj.) early 15c., "worthy of respect," from Old French venerable and directly from Latin venerabilis "worthy of reverence or respect," from venerari "to worship, revere," from venus (genitive veneris) "beauty, love, desire" (from PIE root *wen- (1) "to desire, strive for"). As a title, used in reference to ecclesiastics (in the Anglican church, specifically of archdeacons) or those who had obtained the first degree of canonization. Related: Venerably; venerability.
ven·er·able / ˈvenərəbl ; NAmE ˈvenərəbl / adjective 1 ( formal) venerablepeople or things deserve respect because they are old, important, wise, etc. (因年高、显要、智慧等)令人尊重的,值得敬重的,受敬佩的 a venerable old man 德高望重的老人 a venerable institution 令人仰慕的机构 2 the Venerable… [only before noun ] (in the Anglican Church) a title of respect used when talking about an archdeacon (对圣公会吏长的尊称)尊者 the Venerable Martin Roberts 尊者马丁 · 罗伯茨 3 the Venerable… [only before noun ] (in the Roman Catholic Church) a title given to a dead person who is very holy but who has not yet been made a saint 真福(天主教会对列入圣品前的已故圣洁者的尊称) ven·er·able / ˈvenərəbl ; NAmE ˈvenərəbl /
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