venal 英 [ˈvi:nl]   美 [ˈvinəl]


venal  英 [ˈvi:nl] 美 [ˈvinəl]

adj. 贪污的;用金钱买得的;贿赂的;贪赃枉法的 

But such aid should not be delivered without an acknowledgment by Haiti's ultra-venal political and economic elite that the benighted way of doing things has got to end. 而海地那些极度贪污腐化的政治和经济精英们已经让国家管理陷入僵局,如果这些人没有清醒的认识,国际社会就不能施以援助。
But such aid should not be delivered without an acknowledgment by Haiti's ultra-venal political and economic élite that the benighted way of doing things has got to end. 而海地那些极度贪污腐化的政治和经济精英们已经让国家管理陷入僵局,如果这些人没有清醒的认识,国际社会就不能施以援助。

  • Someone with venal motives is corrupt and maybe a little evil. Nobody wants to be thought of as venal.
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  • adj. 贪污的;用金钱买得的;贿赂的;贪赃枉法的
  • 1. But such aid should not be delivered without an acknowledgment by Haiti's ultra-venal political and economic elite that the benighted way of doing things has got to end.


  • 2. But such aid should not be delivered without an acknowledgment by Haiti's ultra-venal political and economic élite that the benighted way of doing things has got to end.


  • venal (adj.) 1650s, "capable of being obtained for a price; that can be corrupted;" 1660s, "offered for sale," from French vénal, Old French venel "for sale" (of prostitutes, etc.; 12c.), from Latin venalis "for sale, to be sold; capable of being bribed," from venum (nominative *venus) "for sale," from PIE root *wes- (1) "to buy, sell" (source also of Sanskrit vasnah "purchase money," vasnam "reward," vasnayati "he bargains, haggles;" Greek onos "price paid, purchase," oneisthai "to buy"). Typically with a bad sense of "ready to sell one's services or influence for money and from sordid motives; to be bought basely or meanly."
venal / ˈviːnl ; NAmE ˈviːnl / adjective ( formal) prepared to do dishonest or immoral things in return for money 贪赃枉法的;见利忘义的 SYN corrupt venal journalists 唯利是图的记者 ve·nal·ity / viːˈnæləti ; NAmE viːˈnæləti / noun [uncountable ] venal / ˈviːnl ; NAmE ˈviːnl / ve·nal·ity / viːˈnæləti ; NAmE viːˈnæləti /
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