thing 英 [θɪŋ]   美 [θɪŋ]


thing  英 [θɪŋ] 美 [θɪŋ]

n. 事情;东西; 


carry a lot of things 带了许多东西
She's very fond of sweet things . 她非常喜欢吃甜食。

  • Use the noun thing to refer to something without naming it specifically. You might describe your sister's bizarre outfit by saying, "She was wearing this puffy orange thing around her waist and a tall, feathered thing on her head."
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  • n. 事情;东西;
  • 1. carry a lot of things


  • 2. She's very fond of sweet things .


  • 3. Bring your swimming things with you.


  • 4. There's another thing I'd like to ask you.


  • 5. Hi, Jane! How are things?


  • 6. to say the right thing,to say the wrong thing


  • 7. She loves all things Japanese.


  • 8. You silly thing!


  • thing (n.) Old English þing "meeting, assembly, council, discussion," later "entity, being, matter" (subject of deliberation in an assembly), also "act, deed, event, material object, body, being, creature," from Proto-Germanic *thingam "assembly" (source also of Old Frisian thing "assembly, council, suit, matter, thing," Middle Dutch dinc "court-day, suit, plea, concern, affair, thing," Dutch ding "thing," Old High German ding "public assembly for judgment and business, lawsuit," German Ding "affair, matter, thing," Old Norse þing "public assembly"). The Germanic word is perhaps literally "appointed time," from a PIE *tenk- (1), from root *ten- "stretch," perhaps on notion of "stretch of time for a meeting or assembly."
thing / θɪŋ ; NAmE θɪŋ / noun object 物体 1 [countable ] an object whose name you do not use because you do not need to or want to, or because you do not know it 东西;物 Can you pass me that thing over there? 把那边那个东西递给我好吗? She's very fond of sweet things (= sweet foods). 她非常喜欢吃甜食。 He's just bought one of those exercise things. 他刚买了一副体育器械。 Turn that thing off while I'm talking to you! 我在跟你说话,把那个玩意儿关掉! 2 [countable ] an object that is not alive in the way that people and plants are 物件;物品;事物 Don't treat her like that—she's a person, not a thing! 别那样对待她,她是人,不是物件! He's good at making things with his hands. 他善于手工制作物品。 She took no interest in the people and things around her. 她对周围的人和事毫无兴趣。 possessions/equipment 所有物;设备 3 things [plural ] ( rather informal) objects, clothing or tools that belong to sb or are used for a particular purpose (个人的)用品,衣服;(某种)用具 Shall I help you pack your things? 我帮你打点行装好吗? Bring your swimming things with you. 随身带上游泳用品。 I'll just clear away the breakfast things. 我这就收拾早餐餐具。 Put your things (= coat, etc.)on and let's go. 把你的衣服穿上,咱们就走。 anything 任何东西 4 a thing [singular ] used with negatives to mean ‘anything’ in order to emphasize what you are saying 任何东西(用于否定句,加强语气) I haven't got a thing to wear! 我没有一件可穿的衣服! There wasn't a thing we could do to help. 没有什么我们能帮得上忙的。 Ignore what he said—it doesn't mean a thing. 别理睬他说的话,他那都是瞎说。 fact/event/situation/action 事实;事件;情况;行为 5 [countable ] a fact, an event, a situation or an action; what sb says or thinks 事实;事件;情况;行为;话语;想法 There are a lot of things she doesn't know about me. 我有很多情况她都不了解。 There's another thing I'd like to ask you. 还有一件事我想问你。 A terrible thing happened last night. 昨天夜里发生了一件可怕的事情。 He found the whole thing (= the situation)very boring. 他觉得这件事情非常无聊。 I've got loads of things to do today. 今天我有许多事要做。 The main thingto remember is to switch off the burglar alarm. 最要紧的是记住关掉防盗报警器的开关。 I like camping, climbing and that sort of thing. 我喜欢露营、爬山之类的活动。 She said the first thingthat came into her head. 她想到了什么就说什么。 ‘Why did you tell her our secret?’ ‘I did no such thing! “你为什么把我们的秘密告诉她?”“我没干过这种事!” Let's forget the whole thing (= everything). 咱们把所有事情都忘掉吧。 6 things [plural ] ( rather informal) the general situation, as it affects sb 形势;局面;情况;事态 Things haven't gone entirely to plan. 事态没有完全按照计划发展。 ( informal) Hi, Jane! How are things? 喂,简,近来怎么样? Think things overbefore you decide. 先把情况考虑周全再做决定。 As things standat present, he seems certain to win. 据目前情况看,他似乎胜券在握。 All things considered (= considering all the difficulties or problems),she's done very well. 通盘考虑起来,她干得很好。 Why do you make things so difficult for yourself? 你为什么这样跟自己过不去? synonyms at situation what is needed/right 需要的╱合适的事物 7 [countable ,  usually singular ] what is needed or socially acceptable 需要的东西;适当的东西;合适的东西 You need something to cheer you up—I know just the thing! 你需要点什么使你高兴起来,我知道什么正合你的需要! to say the right/wrong thing 说得体的╱不得体的话 The best thing to do is to apologize. 道歉方是上策。 things of particular type 某种类型的事物 8 things [plural ] ( formal) ( followed by an adjective 后接形容词 ) all that can be described in a particular way 所有…的事物;凡是…的东西 She loves all things Japanese. 凡是日本的东西她都喜欢。 creature 生物 9 [countable ] ( used with an adjective 与形容词连用 ) a living creature 生物;有生命的东西 All living things are composed of cells. 所有的生物都由细胞组成。 person/animal 人;动物 10 [countable ] ( with an adjective 与形容词连用 ) ( informal) used to talk to or about a person or an animal, to show how you feel about them (指人或动物,带感情色彩)人,家伙,东西 You silly thing! 你这个蠢货! You must be starving, you poor things. 你们一定是饿坏了,你们这些可怜的家伙。 The cat's very ill, poor old thing. 这猫病得很厉害,真可怜。 IDIOMS A is ˈone thing, B is aˈnother | it's ˈone thing to do A, it's aˈnother thing to do B B is very different from A, for example it is more difficult, serious or important …是一回事,…是另一回事;…和…截然不同 Romance is one thing, marriage is quite another. 爱情是一回事,婚姻却是另一回事。 It's one thing to tease your sister, but it's another to hit her. 逗你妹妹玩是一回事,但打她那就另当别论了。 ˌall/ˌother things being ˈequal if the conditions stay the same; if other conditions are the same 如果所有条件保持不变;如果其他情况一样 All things being equal, we should finish the job tomorrow. 一切照常的话,我们明天应该完成这项工作。 and ˈthings (like ˈthat) ( informal) used when you do not want to complete a list 等等;之类 She likes nice clothes and things like that. 她喜欢漂亮衣服之类的东西。 I've been busy shopping and things. 我一直忙于购物之类的事情。 be all things to all ˈmen/ˈpeople 1 (of people ) to please everyone by changing your attitudes or opinions to suit different people 使人人高兴;八面玲珑 2 (of things 事物 ) to be understood or used in different ways by different people 仁者见仁,智者见智 come to/be the same ˈthing to have the same result or meaning 结果相同;意义相同 be a ˈgood thing (that)… to be lucky that… 幸运的是;幸亏 It's a good thing we got here early. 幸亏我们早到了这儿。 be no bad ˈthing (that)… used to say that although sth seems to be bad, it could have good results 并不是坏事;或许是好事 We didn't want the press to get hold of the story, but it might be no bad thing. 我们本不想让新闻界知道这事,但是知道了也许并非是坏事。 be onto a good ˈthing to have found a job, situation or style of life that is pleasant or easy 找到称心的工作;过上舒心的日子;混得不错 ˈdo things to sb ( informal) to have a powerful emotional effect on sb 使某人十分激动;震撼某人 That song just does things to me. 一听到那首歌我就激动不已。 do your own ˈthing ( informal) to do what you want to do or what interests you, without thinking about other people; to be independent 做自己想做的事;照自己的意愿行事;独立自主;自行其事 ˌfirst/ˌlast ˈthing early in the morning/late in the evening 一早╱晚上最后(要做的事) I need the report on my desk first thing Monday morning. 星期一一早这个报告就得放在我的办公桌上。 ˌfirst things ˈfirst ( often humorous) the most important matters must be dealt with first 要事先办 We have a lot to discuss, but, first things first, let's have a cup of coffee! 我们有许多事要讨论,不过急事先办,咱们先喝杯咖啡吧! for ˈone thing used to introduce one of two or more reasons for doing sth (用以引出两个以上的理由之一)一来,一方面 ‘Why don't you get a car?’ ‘Well, for one thing, I can't drive!’ “你为什么不买辆汽车呢?”“啊,首先,我不会开车!” have a ˈthing about sb/sth ( informal) to have a strong like or dislike of sb/sth in a way that seems strange or unreasonable (莫名其妙地)对…有好感,对…有偏见 She has a thing about men with beards. 她对留胡子的男人有强烈的感觉。 it isn't my, his, etc. ˈthing it isn't sth that you really enjoy or are interested in 这不是我(或他等)真正喜欢的东西;并非…所好 it's a… thing ( informal) it is sth that only a particular group understands 这是…的事(只有某群体才理解的) You wouldn't know what it means—it's a girl thing. 你不会知道那是什么意思,那是女孩子家的事。 know/tell sb a ˈthing or two (about sb/sth) ( informal) to know/tell sb some useful, interesting or surprising information about sb/sth 了解╱透露有用的(或有趣的、意外的)信息;有所了解╱披露;见多识广 She's been married five times, so she knows a thing or two about men! 她结过五次婚,所以对男人有所了解。 make a (big) ˈthing of/about sth ( informal) to make sth seem more important than it really is 小题大做;大惊小怪;故弄玄虚 not know, etc. the first thing aˈbout sth/sb to know nothing at all about sth/sb 对…一无所知;对…一窍不通 not ˌquite the ˈthing 1 not considered socially acceptable 不太合时宜;不太时兴;不得体 It wouldn't be quite the thing to turn up in running gear. 穿着跑步的运动服出现在这场合可不大成体统。 2 ( old-fashioned) not healthy or normal 身体不舒服;感到不适 (just) ˌone of those ˈthings used to say that you do not want to discuss or think about sth bad or unpleasant that has happened, but just accept it 命中注定的事;难免的倒霉事;不可挽回的事 It wasn't your fault. It was just one of those things. 不是你的错。这是命中注定的事。 ˌone (damned/damn) thing after aˈnother ( informal) used to complain that a lot of unpleasant things keep happening to you (抱怨时用)倒霉事一桩接一桩 ˌone thing leads to aˈnother used to suggest that the way one event or action leads to others is so obvious that it does not need to be stated (暗示事情的发展过程显而易见)一来二去,自然而然 He offered me a ride home one night, and, well, one thing led to another and now we're married! 一天晚上他让我搭车回家,唔,就这样自然发展,我们现在结婚了! be ˈseeing/ˈhearing things ( informal, humorous) to imagine that you can see or hear sth that is in fact not there 产生幻觉 there's only ˌone thing ˈfor it there is only one possible course of action 这只有一个办法 these ˌthings are sent to ˈtry us ( saying) used to say that you should accept an unpleasant situation or event because you cannot change it (表示无法改变,应该接受)这些都是对我们的考验(或试炼) the ˌthing ˈis ( informal) used to introduce an important fact, reason or explanation 事实是;主要原因是 I'm sorry my assignment isn't finished. The thing is, I've had a lot of other work this week. 对不起,我的任务没完成。主要原因是我这星期有许多其他工作要做。 the ˌthing (about/with sth/sb) ˈis used to introduce a problem about sth/sb …的问题是 The thing with Karl is, he's always late. 卡尔的问题是,他总是迟到。 the (whole)… thing ( informal) a situation or an activity of the type mentioned (纯粹的)…事;(完全是)…的活动 She really didn't want to be involved in the whole family thing. 她实在不想卷入这整件家事中。 ˌthings that go ˌbump in the ˈnight ( informal, humorous) used to refer to ghostsand other supernaturalthings that cannot be explained 夜里奇异可怕的响声;鬼魂;超自然现象 too ˈmuch of a good thing used to say that, although sth is pleasant, you do not want to have too much of it 好事多了也觉得腻 (what) with ˌone thing and aˈnother ( informal) because you have been busy with various problems, events or things you had to do 因为事情一个接着一个;由于忙得不可开交 I completely forgot her birthday, what with one thing and another. 因为忙得不可开交,我把她的生日忘得一干二净。 more at chance n. , close 2 adj. , close 2 adv. , day , decent , done adj. , easy adv. , nature , near adj. , only adj. , overdo , push v. , real adj. , scheme n. , shape n. , sure adj. , turn v. , way n. , work v. SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 things stuff property possessions junk belongings goods valuables These are all words for objects or items, especially ones that you own or have with you at a particular time. 以上各词均指东西、物品,尤指个人拥有或随身携带的物件。 things ( rather informal) objects, clothing or tools that you own or that are used for a particular purpose 指个人拥有或作特定用途的物品、衣服、用具: Shall I help you pack your things? 我帮你打点行装好吗? Bring your swimming things. 随身带上游泳用品。 stuff [U] ( informal) used to refer to a group of objects when you do not know their names, when the names are not important or when it is obvious what you are talking about 指名称不详、名称无关紧要或所指明确的东西、物品、玩意儿: Where's all my stuff? 我那些东西都哪儿去了? property [U] ( rather formal) a thing or things that are owned by sb 指所有物、财产、财物: This building is government property. 这座大楼是政府的财产。 Be careful not to damage other people's property. 小心别损坏别人的财物。 possessions things that you own, especially sth that can be moved 指个人财产、私人物品: Prisoners were allowed no personal possessions except letters and photographs. 囚犯除信件和照片外不允许有任何私人物品。 junk [U] things that are considered useless or of little value 指无用的东西、无价值的东西: I've cleared out all that old junk from the attic. 我把阁楼里所有的废旧杂物都清除干净了。 belongings possessions that can be moved, especially ones that you have with you at a particular time 指动产,尤指随身物品: Please make sure you have all your belongings with you when leaving the plane. 请确保在下飞机前带好所有的随身物品。 goods ( technicalor rather formal) possessions that can be moved 指动产、(可搬运的)私人财产: He was found guilty of handling stolen goods. 他被判犯销赃罪。 valuables things that are worth a lot of money, especially small personal things such as jewellery or cameras 尤指私人的贵重物品(如首饰、相机等): Never leave cash or other valuables lying around. 现金或其他贵重物品请勿乱放。 PATTERNS personalthings/stuff/property/possessions/belongings to collect / collect (up) your things/stuff/possessions/belongings to searchsb's/your/the things/stuff/property/belongings to go throughsb's/your/the things/stuff/belongings VOCABULARY BUILDING 词汇扩充 Other words for thing 表示事物的其他词 Instead of using the word thing,try to use more precise and interesting words, especially in formal written English. 尽量使用更贴切和有意思的词代替 thing,尤其在正式的书面语中。 aspect That was the most puzzling aspect of the situation. (…the most puzzling thing about…) 那是整个局势中最令人费解的一面。 attribute Curiosity is an essential attribute for a journalist. (…an essential thing for a journalist to have.) 好奇心是新闻记者的基本素质。 characteristic This bird has several interesting characteristics. (There are several interesting things about this bird.) 这种鸟有几个有趣的特征。 detail I want to know every detail of what happened. (…everything about…) 我想了解所发生事情的全部详情。 feature Noise is a familiar feature of city life. (…a familiar thing in city life.) 噪音是城市生活的常见特征。 issue She has campaigned on many controversial issues. (…many controversial things.) 她就许多具争议性的问题参加过运动。 matter We have several important matters to deal with at this meeting. (…several important things…) 我们有几个重要问题要在这次会议上处理。 point That’s a very interesting point you made. (…a very interesting thing you said.) 你提出的这个意见非常值得重视。 subject The book covers a number of subjects. (…a number of things.) 本书涉及几个课题。 topic We discussed a wide range of topics. (…a wide range of things.) 我们就广泛的话题进行了讨论。 trait Her generosity is one of her most attractive traits. (…one of the most attractive things about her.) 慷慨大方是她最具魅力的个性之一。 Don’t use thingafter an adjective when the adjective can be used on its own. 形容词可单独使用时,切勿在后面加 thing: Having your own computer is very useful. 自己有一台计算机用处很大。 Having your own computer is a very useful thing. It is often more natural to use words like something, anything,etc. instead of thing. 以 something、anything 等词代替 thing 使用常常更自然: I have something important to tell you. 我有重要的事情要告诉你。 I have an important thing to tell you. Do you want anything else? 你还想要点别的什么吗? Do you want any other thing? It is more natural to say a lot, a great deal, much,etc. rather than many things. *a lot、a great deal、much 等词比 many things 说起来更自然: I have so much to tell you. 我要对你讲的事情太多了。 I have so many things to tell you. She knows a lot about basketball. 她对篮球很有研究。 She knows many things about basketball. thing things thing / θɪŋ ; NAmE θɪŋ /
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