texture 英 [ˈtekstʃə(r)]   美 [ˈtɛkstʃɚ]


texture  英 [ˈtekstʃə(r)] 美 [ˈtɛkstʃɚ]

n. 质地;纹理;结构;本质,实质 


This cloth has a silky texture. 这种布具有丝的质地。
What is the texture of your experience? 这次经历的实质是什么?

  • Texture is the physical feel of something — smooth, rough, fuzzy, slimy, and lots of textures something in between.
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  • n. 质地;纹理;结构;本质,实质
  • 1. This cloth has a silky texture.


  • 2. What is the texture of your experience?


  • 3. Gather some leaves which have an interesting texture and shape.


  • texture (n.) early 15c., "network, structure," from Middle French texture and directly from Latin textura "web, texture, structure," from stem of texere "to weave," from PIE root *teks- "to weave, to fabricate, to make; make wicker or wattle framework." Meaning "structural character" is recorded from 1650s. Related: Textural.
  • texture (v.) 1888 (implied in textured), "to give a texture to, to make not smooth or plain," from texture (n.).
tex·ture / ˈtekstʃə(r) ; NAmE ˈtekstʃər / noun [countable ,  uncountable ] 1 the way a surface, substance or piece of cloth feels when you touch it, for example how rough, smooth, hard or soft it is 质地;手感 the soft texture of velvet 天鹅绒柔软的质地 She uses a variety of different colours and textures in her wall hangings. 她悬挂的帷幔色彩和质地多姿多彩。 2 the way food or drink tastes or feels in your mouth, for example whether it is rough, smooth, light, heavy, etc. 口感 The two cheeses were very different in both taste and texture. 这两种奶酪的味道和口感大不相同。 3 the way that different parts of a piece of music or literature are combined to create a final impression (音乐或文学的)谐和统一感,神韵 the rich texture of the symphony 这首交响曲优美和谐的乐感 texture textures textured texturing tex·ture / ˈtekstʃə(r) ; NAmE ˈtekstʃər /
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