sunset 英 [ˈsʌnset]   美 [ˈsʌnˌsɛt]


sunset  英 [ˈsʌnset] 美 [ˈsʌnˌsɛt]

n. 日落,傍晚 


The sunset rivals the sunrise in beauty. 日落可与日出媲美。
He drew a word picture of a South Pacific sunset. 他对南太平洋上的日落作了生动逼真的描写。

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  • n. 日落,傍晚
  • 1. The sunset rivals the sunrise in beauty.


  • 2. He drew a word picture of a South Pacific sunset.


  • 3. My uncle did a beautiful watercolor of a sunset while in Mexico.


  • sunset (n.) late 14c., from sun (n.) + set (v.). Perhaps from a Middle English subjunctive such as before the sun set. Old English had sunnansetlgong "sunset," while sunset meant "west." Figurative use from c. 1600. To ride off into the sunset (1963) is from the stereotypical ending of cowboy movies.
sun·set / ˈsʌnset ; NAmE ˈsʌnset / noun , adjective , verb sunset sunsets noun 1 [uncountable ] the time when the sun goes down and night begins 日落;傍晚 Every evening at sunsetthe flag was lowered. 每天傍晚日落时都要降旗。 2 [countable ] the colours in the part of the sky where the sun slowly goes down in the evening 晚霞 a spectacular sunset 绚烂的晚霞 3 [countable ] a fixed period of time after which a law or the effect of a law will end (法律的)自动废止期,效力消减期 There is a five-year sunset on the new tax. 新税种的有效施行期限为五年。 adjective [only before noun ] 1 used to describe a colour that is like one of the colours in a sunset 霞红色的;浅橘红色的 sunset yellow 日落黄 2 used to describe sth that is near its end, or that happens at the end of sth 衰落的;最后期的 This is his sunset tour after fifty years as a singer. 这是他五十年歌手生涯结束前最后一次巡回演出。 3 (of a law or the effect of a law 法律或法律效力 ) designed to end or to end sth after a fixed period of time 定期废止的 a two-year sunset clause in the new law 新法律中的一条实施期限为两年的“日落条款” verb ( -tt- ) [intransitive ,  transitive ] sunset(sth) (of a law or the effect of a law 法律或法律效力 ) to end or to end sth after a fixed period of time (使)定期届满废止 The tax relief will sunset after a year. 税款减免将在一年后废止。 sun·set / ˈsʌnset ; NAmE ˈsʌnset /
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