style 英 [staɪl]   美 [staɪl]


style  英 [staɪl] 美 [staɪl]

n. 风格;类型; 

进行时:styling  过去式:styled  过去分词:styled  第三人称单数:styles  名词复数:styles 

a style of management 管理方式
a management style 管理方式

  • Artists, musicians, and even chefs have their own personal style — a word used to describe the unique ways in which people express themselves.
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  • n. 风格;类型;
  • 1. a style of management


  • 2. a management style


  • 3. furniture to suit your style of living


  • 4. a different teaching styles


  • 5. I like your style.


  • 6. a wide variety of styles and sizes.


  • 7. Short skirts are back in style.


  • 8. She does everything with style and grace.


  • 9. a style of architecture


  • 10. Italian-style gardens


  • 11. He'd had his hair styled at an expensive salon.


  • style (n.) early 14c., stile, "writing instrument, pen, stylus; piece of written discourse, a narrative, treatise;" also "characteristic rhetorical mode of an author, manner or mode of expression," and "way of life, manner, behavior, conduct," from Old French stile, estile "style, fashion, manner; a stake, pale," from Latin stilus "stake, instrument for writing, manner of writing, mode of expression," perhaps from the same source as stick (v.)). Spelling modified incorrectly by influence of Greek stylos "pillar," which probably is not directly related. As distinguished from substance, 1570s. Meaning "mode of dress" is from 1814.
  • style (v.) c. 1500, "address with a title;" 1560s, "to give a name to," from style (n.). Meaning "to arrange in (fashionable) style" (especially of hair) is attested from 1934. Slang sense of "act or play in a showy way" is by 1974, African-American vernacular. Related: Styled; styling.
style AWL / staɪl ; NAmE staɪl / noun , verb style styles styled styling noun way sth is done 做事方式 1 [countable ,  uncountable ] style(of sth) the particular way in which sth is done 方式;作风 a style of management 管理方式 a management style 管理方式 furniture to suit your style of living 适合你的生活方式的家具 a study of different teaching styles 对不同教学方式的研究 I like your style (= I like the way you do things). 我喜欢你做事的方式。 Caution was not her style (= not the way she usually behaved). 她不是那种谨小慎微的人。 I'm surprised he rides a motorbike—I'd have thought big cars were more his style (= what suited him). 没想到他骑的是摩托车。我还以为他喜欢大轿车呢。 see also lifestyle design of clothes/hair 服式;发型 2 [countable ] a particular design of sth, especially clothes 样式;款式 We stock a wide variety of styles and sizes. 我们有各种款式各种尺码的货品。 Have you thought about having your hair in a shorter style? 你有没有想过剪个短发型? collocationsat fashion see also hairstyle 3 [uncountable ] the quality of being fashionable in the clothes that you wear (指服装)时新,时髦,流行式样 style-conscious teenagers 讲究时髦的青少年 Short skirts are back in style (= fashionable). 短裙子又流行起来了。 being elegant 格调优雅 4 [uncountable ] the quality of being elegant and made to a high standard 优雅格调;精致性;品位;风度;气派 The hotel has been redecorated but it's lost a lot of its style. 旅馆已重新装修,但昔日的优雅格调所剩无几。 She does everything with style and grace. 她凡事都做得优雅得体。 of book/painting/building 书;画;建筑物 5 [countable ,  uncountable ] the features of a book, painting, building, etc. that make it typical of a particular author, artist, historical period, etc. 风格;体 a style of architecture 建筑风格 a fine example of Gothic style 哥特风格的佳例 a parody written in the style ofMolière 一部模仿莫里哀风格的滑稽喜剧 use of language 语言运用 6 [uncountable ,  countable ] the correct use of language 语言规范;好的文风 It's not considered good style to start a sentence with ‘but’. 人们认为,一句话用 but 开头不是好的文风。 Please follow house style (= the rules of spelling, etc. used by a particular publishing company). 请遵循本社的行文格式。 -style …样式 7 ( in adjectives 构成形容词 ) having the type of style mentioned …式的;…风格的 Italian-style gardens 意大利风格的花园 a buffet-style breakfast 自助式早餐 see also old-style in a plant 植物 8 ( biology ) the long thin part of a flower that carries the stigma 花柱 IDIOM in (great, grand, etc.) style in an impressive way 气派;隆重;气势非凡 She always celebrates her birthday in style. 她的生日总是过得很排场。 He won the championship in great style. 他赢得了冠军,尽显大将风度。 more at cramp v. verb clothes/hair, etc. 服装、头发等 1 stylesth to design, make or shape sth in a particular way 把…设计(或缝制、做)成某种式样 an elegantly styled jacket 式样高雅的上衣 He'd had his hair styled at an expensive salon. 他去一家豪华美容厅做了头发。 give name/title 称呼 2 stylesb/sth/yourself + noun ( formal) to give sb/sth/yourself a particular name or title 称呼;命名;称 He styled himself Major Carter. 他自称卡特少校。 PHRASAL VERB ˈstyle sth/yourself on sth/sb to copy the style, manner or appearance of sb/sth 模仿…的风格(或举止、外观) SYN model a coffee bar styled on a Parisian cafe 仿照巴黎一家咖啡馆而设计的咖啡馆 He styled himself on Elvis Presley. 他模仿埃尔维斯 · 普雷斯利唱歌。 style / staɪl ; NAmE staɪl /
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