smash 英 [smæʃ]   美 [smæʃ]


smash  英 [smæʃ] 美 [smæʃ]

v. 粉碎;碰撞  n. 破碎;碰撞 

进行时:smashing  过去式:smashed  过去分词:smashed  第三人称单数:smashes  名词复数:smashes 

Several windows had been smashed. 几扇窗户劈里啪啦打碎了。
He smashed the radio to pieces. 他啪的一声把收音机摔得稀巴烂。

  • To smash something is to hit or throw it so hard that it breaks or is hurt. It's important to pay careful attention while you're driving so you don't smash into the car in front of you.
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  • v. 粉碎;碰撞
  • n. 破碎;碰撞
  • 1. Several windows had been smashed.


  • 2. He smashed the radio to pieces.


  • 3. The glass bowl smashed into a thousand pieces.


  • 4. the sound of waves smashing against the rocks


  • 5. The car smashed into a tree.


  • 6. Mark smashed his fist down on the desk.


  • 7. They had to smash holes in the ice.


  • 8. We had to smash the door open.


  • 9. She has smashed the world record (= broken it by a large amount).


  • 10. He's smashed (up) his new car.


  • 11. The cup hit the floor with a smash.


  • 12. a car smash


  • smash (n.) 1725, "hard blow," from smash (v.). Meaning "broken-up condition" is from 1798; that of "failure, financial collapse" is from 1839. Tennis sense is from 1882. Meaning "great success" is from 1923 ("Variety" headline, Oct. 16, in reference to Broadway productions of "The Fool" and "The Rise of Rosie O'Reilly").
  • smash (v.) 1759, "break to pieces," earlier "kick downstairs" (c. 1700), probably of imitative origin (compare smack (v.), mash (v.), crush (v.)). Meaning "act with crushing force" is from 1813; that of "strike violently" is from 1835. Tennis sense is from 1882. Smash-and-grab (adj.) is first attested 1927.
smash / smæʃ ; NAmE smæʃ / verb , noun smash smashes smashed smashing verb break 打碎 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] smash(sth) to break sth, or to be broken, violently and noisily into many pieces (哗啦一声)打碎,打破,破碎 Several windows had been smashed. 几扇窗户劈里啪啦打碎了。 He smashed the radio to pieces. 他啪的一声把收音机摔得稀巴烂。 The glass bowl smashed into a thousand pieces. 玻璃碗咣的一声摔了个粉碎。 hit very hard 猛烈撞击 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to move with a lot of force against sth solid; to make sth do this (使)猛烈撞击,猛烈碰撞 + adv./prep. the sound of waves smashing against the rocks 浪涛猛烈撞击礁石的声音 The car smashed into a tree. 汽车猛地撞到了树上。 smashsth + adv./prep. Mark smashed his fist down on the desk. 马克狠狠地把拳头砸在桌上。 synonyms at crash 3 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to hit sth very hard and break it, in order to get through it (用力)撞开,击穿,闯过 smashsth + adv./prep. They had to smash holes in the ice. 他们只好奋力在冰上凿洞。 The elephant smashed its way through the trees. 大象横冲直撞,闯过树丛。 smashsth + adj. We had to smash the door open. 我们只得用力把门撞开。 + adv./prep. They had smashed through a glass door to get in. 他们砸破一道玻璃门进去了。 4 [transitive ] smashsth/sb (+ adv./prep.) to hit sth/sb very hard 猛击 SYN slam He smashed the ball into the goal. 他一记劲射,球进了。 destroy/defeat 捣毁;打败 5 [transitive ] smashsth/sb to destroy, defeat or put an end to sth/sb 捣毁;打败;粉碎;使结束 Police say they have smashed a major drugs ring. 警方说他们摧毁了一个大贩毒集团。 She has smashed the world record (= broken it by a large amount). 她大破世界纪录。 crash vehicle 撞车 6 [transitive ] smashsth (up) to crash a vehicle 撞毁(车辆) He's smashed (up) his new car. 他把自己的新车撞毁了。 synonyms at crash in tennis, etc. 网球等 7 [transitive ] smashsth to hit a high ball downwards and very hard over the net 打高压球;扣球 PHRASAL VERBS ˌsmash sth↔ˈdown to make sth fall down by hitting it hard and breaking it (用力)击倒,打翻 The police had to smash the door down. 警察不得不破门而入。 ˌsmash sth↔ˈin to make a hole in sth by hitting it with a lot of force (用力)打破,撞坏 Vandals had smashed the door in. 破坏分子把门撞破了。 ( informal) I wanted to smash his face in (= hit him hard in the face). 当时我真想把他的脸打瘪。 ˌsmash sth↔ˈup to destroy sth deliberately (蓄意)捣毁,破坏 Youths had broken into the bar and smashed the place up. 一群年轻人闯进酒吧,把里面砸了个乱七八糟。 noun act of breaking 破碎;打碎 1 [singular ] an act of breaking sth noisily into pieces; the sound this makes 破碎;打碎;破碎(或打碎)的哗啦声 The cup hit the floor with a smash. 杯子掉到地上哗啦一声摔碎了。 vehicle crash 撞车 2 [countable ] ( BrE) an accident in which a vehicle hits another vehicle 撞车 a car smash 撞车事故 in tennis, etc. 网球等 3 [countable ] a way of hitting the ball downwards and very hard 高压球;扣球 song/movie/play 歌曲;电影;戏剧 4 ( also ˌsmash ˈhit ) [countable ] a song, film/movie or play that is very popular 十分走红的歌曲(或电影、戏剧) her latest chart smash 她的最新一首十分走红的上榜歌曲 smash / smæʃ ; NAmE smæʃ /
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