slalom 英 [ˈslɑ:ləm]   美 [ˈslɑləm]


slalom  英 [ˈslɑ:ləm] 美 [ˈslɑləm]

n. 障碍滑雪;障碍滑雪赛 

进行时:slaloming  过去式:slalomed  过去分词:slalomed  第三人称单数:slaloms  名词复数:slaloms 

There is diving and sailing, basic waterskiing (using two water skis), and slalom waterskiing (where only one ski is used). 比如说潜水、帆板运动、初级滑水运动(使用两块滑水板)和障碍滑水运动(使用一块滑水板)。
Once, well before any of us kids had a license, we spent an entire afternoon piloting someone's old car in reverse, trying to slalom between the trees in a field. 一次,我们这帮小孩都还没拿到驾照的时候,我们用人家的老轿车开了一整个下午倒车,试着在一片田野的树木之间开回转障碍赛。

  • A slalom is a type of race in which downhill skiers swerve back and forth between gates or poles. Slalom races are an important part of the winter Olympics every four years.
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  • n. 障碍滑雪;障碍滑雪赛
  • 1. There is diving and sailing, basic waterskiing (using two water skis), and slalom waterskiing (where only one ski is used).


  • 2. Once, well before any of us kids had a license, we spent an entire afternoon piloting someone's old car in reverse, trying to slalom between the trees in a field.


  • slalom (n.) 1921, from Norwegian slalam "skiing race," literally "sloping track," from sla "slope" + lam "track" (related to Norwegian laan "a row of houses;" compare lane).
sla·lom / ˈslɑːləm ; NAmE ˈslɑːləm / noun a race for people on skisor in canoesalong a winding course marked by poles (滑雪)回转赛;(独木舟)障碍赛 slalom slaloms sla·lom / ˈslɑːləm ; NAmE ˈslɑːləm /
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