slacker 英 ['slækə]   美 ['slækɚ]


slacker  英 ['slækə] 美 ['slækɚ]

n. 懒鬼;逃避兵役者 


I am a cyber slacker — powerless to resist the draw of the internet. 我是一个计较机懒鬼——无力抗拒网络的诱惑。
I think I need help. I am a cyber slacker — powerless to resist the draw of the internet. And it's not just me. 我觉得我需要帮助。我是一个计较机懒鬼——无力抗拒网络的诱惑。而且这样的人不止我一个。

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  • n. 懒鬼;逃避兵役者
  • 1. I am a cyber slacker — powerless to resist the draw of the internet.


  • 2. I think I need help. I am a cyber slacker — powerless to resist the draw of the internet. And it's not just me.


  • 3. For example: a student who doesn't do his homework and is always late for class is a slacker.

    一个上课老迟到、老不做作业的学生就是个slacker。 哎,Larry, 我们认识的人里,谁是slacker 啊?

  • slacker (n.) popularized 1994, but the meaning "person who shirks work" dates to 1897; agent noun from slack (v.). In early use also slackster (1901). Compare Old English sleacornes "laziness," which is not, however, an agent noun. Related: Slackerly; slackerish.
slack·er / ˈslækə(r) ; NAmE ˈslækər / noun ( informal, disapproving) a person who is lazy and avoids work 偷懒的人;怠惰的人 slacker slackers slack·er / ˈslækə(r) ; NAmE ˈslækər /
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