skit 英 [skɪt]   美 [skɪt]


skit  英 [skɪt] 美 [skɪt]

n. 讽刺文;滑稽短剧 


That was one of my favorite skit. 这是我最喜欢的滑稽短剧。
Long before my brother-in-law (a Newfie) even met my sister I heard a comedy skit where Newfoundlanders were rendered as loving to sing and frolic, moving to Ontario and turning into alcoholics. 很久以前,当我姐夫(一个纽芬兰人)邂逅我姐姐的时候,我听的一部滑稽系列短剧中将纽芬兰人描述成热爱唱歌和嬉戏,他们迁居到安大略省,接着就成了酒鬼。

  • A skit is a funny or informative short play. It's usually more fun to perform a skit about an alien invasion than a skit about workplace safety.
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  • n. 讽刺文;滑稽短剧
  • 1. That was one of my favorite skit.


  • 2. Long before my brother-in-law (a Newfie) even met my sister I heard a comedy skit where Newfoundlanders were rendered as loving to sing and frolic, moving to Ontario and turning into alcoholics.


  • 3. But there's one thing to think you know, you think of I don't know if you've seen the Monty Python's skit.


  • skit (n.) "piece of light satire or caricature," 1820, from earlier sense "a satirical remark or reflection" (1727), originally (1570s) "a vain, frivolous, or wanton girl" (originally Scottish, now archaic), related to verb meaning "to shy or be skittish, caper, frolic" (1610s), perhaps from Old Norse skjuta "to shoot, move quickly" (see skittish).
skit / skɪt ; NAmE skɪt / noun skit(on sth) a short piece of humorous writing or a performance that makes fun of sb/sth by copying them 幽默短文,滑稽短剧,幽默讽刺小品(常用模仿手法) a skit on daytime TV programmes 戏评日间电视节目的幽默短文 skit skits skit / skɪt ; NAmE skɪt /
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