skeptical 英 ['skeptɪkəl]   美 ['skeptɪkəl]


skeptical  英 ['skeptɪkəl] 美 ['skeptɪkəl]

adj. 怀疑的;怀疑论的 

I am skeptical about his chances of winning. 我怀疑他获胜的可能性。
The public remain skeptical of these claims. 公众对这些说法仍持怀疑态度。

  • If a friend told you that her family was perfect and they never had any problems, would you believe her? If not, you may be skeptical. Skeptical people look at the world with a certain amount of doubt.
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  • adj. 怀疑的;怀疑论的
  • 1. I am skeptical about his chances of winning.


  • 2. The public remain skeptical of these claims.


  • 3. She looked highly skeptical.


  • skeptical (adj.) also sceptical, 1630s; see skeptic + -al (1). Related: Skeptically.
skep·tical ( NAmE) ( BrE scep·tical ) / ˈskeptɪkl ; NAmE ˈskeptɪkl / adjective skeptical(about/of sth) having doubts that a claim or statement is true or that sth will happen 怀疑的 I am skeptical about his chances of winning. 我怀疑他获胜的可能性。 The public remain skeptical of these claims. 公众对这些说法仍持怀疑态度。 She looked highly skeptical. 她一脸深表怀疑的神色。 skep·tic·al·ly ( NAmE) ( BrE scep·tic·al·ly ) / ˈskeptɪkli ; NAmE ˈskeptɪkli / adverb skep·tical / ˈskeptɪkl ; NAmE ˈskeptɪkl / skep·tic·al·ly / ˈskeptɪkli ; NAmE ˈskeptɪkli /
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