sister 英 [ˈsɪstə(r)]   美 [ˈsɪstɚ]


sister  英 [ˈsɪstə(r)] 美 [ˈsɪstɚ]

n. 姐妹;  adj. 姐妹般的 


I took her as my sister. 我把她看作自己的妹妹。
She's my sister. 她是我姐姐。

  • Your sister is your female sibling. If your parents have six children, and all of them are girls, that means you have five sisters.
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  • n. 姐妹;
  • adj. 姐妹般的
  • 1. I took her as my sister.


  • 2. She's my sister.


  • 3. an older/younger sister


  • 4. a big/little/kid sister


  • 5. We're sisters.


  • 6. Do you have any brothers or sisters?


  • sister (n.) mid-13c., from Old English sweostor, swuster "sister," or a Scandinavian cognate (Old Norse systir, Swedish syster, Danish søster), in either case from Proto-Germanic *swestr- (source also of Old Saxon swestar, Old Frisian swester, Middle Dutch suster, Dutch zuster, Old High German swester, German Schwester, Gothic swistar).
sis·ter / ˈsɪstə(r) ; NAmE ˈsɪstər / noun 1 a girl or woman who has the same mother and father as another person 姐;妹 She's my sister. 她是我姐姐。 an older/younger sister 姐姐;妹妹 ( informal) a big/little/kid sister 大姐;小妹;年幼的妹妹 We're sisters. 我们是姐妹。 Do you have any brothers or sisters? 你有兄弟姐妹吗? My best friend has been like a sister to me (= very close). 我最要好的一个朋友待我亲如姐妹。 see also half-sister , stepsister 2 used for talking to or about other members of a women's organization or other women who have the same ideas, purpose, etc. as yourself (称志同道合者)姐妹 They supported their sisters in the dispute. 在争论中,她们支持自己的姐妹。 3 Sister ( BrE) a senior female nurse who is in charge of a hospital ward 护士长 see also charge nurse 4 Sister a female member of a religious group, especially a nun 女教友;(尤指)修女 Sister Mary 修女玛丽 the Sisters of Charity 仁爱修女会 5 (in the US) a member of a sorority(= a club for a group of female students at a college or university) (美国大学)女生联谊会会员 6 ( NAmE) ( informal) used by black people as a form of address for a black woman (黑人的互相称谓)大姐 7 ( usually used as an adjective 通常用作形容词 ) a thing that belongs to the same type or group as sth else 同类型的;同一批的;如同姐妹的 our sister company in Italy 我们在意大利的姊妹公司 a sister ship 同一类型的船 sister sisters sis·ter / ˈsɪstə(r) ; NAmE ˈsɪstər /
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