shake 英 [ʃeɪk]   美 [ʃek]


shake  英 [ʃeɪk] 美 [ʃek]

v. 动摇;震动;握手  n. 摇动;哆嗦 

进行时:shaking  过去式:shook  过去分词:shaken  第三人称单数:shakes  名词复数:shakes 

The whole house shakes when a train goes past. 火车驶过时,整座房子都颤动起来。
Shake the bottle well before use. 使用前摇匀瓶内物品。

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  • v. 动摇;震动;握手
  • n. 摇动;哆嗦
  • 1. The whole house shakes when a train goes past.


  • 2. Shake the bottle well before use.


  • 3. She shook her hair loose.


  • 4. She bent down to shake a pebble out of her shoe.


  • 5. She shook her head in disbelief.


  • 6. He shook my hand warmly.


  • 7. He was shaking with fear.


  • 8. The accident really shook her up.


  • 9. I can't seem to shake off this cold.


  • 10. Give the bottle a good shake before opening.


  • 11. I always get the shakes before exams.


  • shake (n.) late 14c., "charge, onrush," from shake (v.). Meaning "a hard shock" is from 1560s. From 1580s as "act of shaking;" 1660s as "irregular vibration." The hand-grip salutation so called by 1712. As a figure of instantaneous action, it is recorded from 1816. Phrase fair shake "honest deal" is attested from 1830, American English (Bartlett calls it "A New England vulgarism"). The shakes "nervous agitation" is from 1620s. Short for milk shake from 1911. Dismissive phrase no great shakes (1816, Byron) perhaps is from dicing.
  • shake (v.) Old English sceacan "move (something) quickly to and fro, brandish; move the body or a part of it rapidly back and forth;" also "go, glide, hasten, flee, depart" (related to sceacdom "flight"); of persons or parts of the body, "to tremble" especially from fever, cold, fear" (class VI strong verb; past tense scoc, past participle scacen), from Proto-Germanic *skakanan (source also of Old Norse, Swedish skaka, Danish skage "to shift, turn, veer"). No certain cognates outside Germanic, but some suggest a possible connection to Sanskrit khaj "to agitate, churn, stir about," Old Church Slavonic skoku "a leap, bound," Welsh ysgogi "move."
shake / ʃeɪk ; NAmE ʃeɪk / verb , noun shake shakes shook shaking shaken verb ( shook / ʃʊk ; NAmE ʃʊk / shaken / ˈʃeɪkən ; NAmE ˈʃeɪkən / ) object/building/person 物品;建筑物;人 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to move or make sb/sth move with short quick movements from side to side or up and down 摇动;抖动;(使)颤动 The whole house shakes when a train goes past. 火车驶过时,整座房子都颤动起来。 shakesb/sth Shake the bottle well before use. 使用前摇匀瓶内物品。 He shook her violently by the shoulders. 他抓着她的肩膀使劲摇晃。 shakesb/sth + adj. She shookher hair loose. 她头一摇,头发就散开了。 2 [transitive ] shakesth + adv./prep. to move sth in a particular direction by shaking 摇(出);抖(掉) She bent down to shake a pebble out of her shoe. 她弯下腰,把鞋里的一粒石子抖出来。 your head 3 [transitive ] ~ your head to turn your head from side to side as a way of saying ‘no’ or to show sadness, disapproval, doubt, etc. 摇头 She shook her head in disbelief. 她难以置信地摇摇头。 hands 4 [transitive ] to take sb's hand and move it up and down as a way of saying hello or to show that you agree about sth (与某人)握手 ~ hands (with sb) (on sth) Do people in Italy shake hands when they meet? 在意大利,人们见面时握手吗? They shook hands on the deal (= to show that they had reached an agreement). 他们达成了协议,相互握手祝贺。 ~ sb's hand He shook my hand warmly. 他热情地和我握手。 ~ sb by the hand Our host shook each of us warmly by the hand. 主人热情地和我们每个人握手。 your fist 拳头 5 [transitive ] ~ your fist (at sb) to show that you are angry with sb; to threaten sb by shaking your fist(= closed hand) 挥拳(威胁) of body 身体 6 [intransitive ] shake(with sth) to make short quick movements that you cannot control, for example because you are cold or afraid 颤抖;发抖;战栗;哆嗦 SYN tremble He was shaking with fear. 他怕得发抖。 I was shaking like a leaf. 我像树叶似的直哆嗦。 Her hands had started to shake. 她的手早已哆嗦起来。 of voice 声音 7 [intransitive ] shake(with sth) (of sb's voice 嗓音 ) to sound unsteady, usually because you are nervous, upset or angry 颤抖 shock sb 使震惊 8 [transitive ] ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) to shock or upset sb very much 使非常震惊;使十分不安 shakesb He was badly shaken by the news of her death. 听到她的死讯,他大为震惊。 shakesb up The accident really shook her up. 这一事故使她非常震惊。 belief/idea 信念;观点 9 [transitive ] shakesth to make a belief or an idea less certain 动摇 The incident had shaken her faithin him. 这件事动摇了她对他的信心。 This announcement is bound to shake the confidenceof the industry. 这个声明必将动摇这一行业的信心。 get rid of 去除 10 [transitive ] to get rid of sth 去除;摆脱 shakesth off I can't seem to shake off this cold. 这场感冒我好像老好不了。 shakesth He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something wrong. 他总感觉有什么地方不对头。 IDIOMS shake in your ˈshoes ( informal) to be very frightened or nervous 非常害怕(或紧张);战战兢兢;心惊肉跳 shake a ˈleg ( old-fashioned, informal) used to tell sb to start to do sth or to hurry (用于催促)快点动手,行动快点 more at foundation PHRASAL VERBS ˌshake ˈdown ( informal) to become familiar with a new situation and begin to work well in it 融入新环境;适应新工作 ˌshake sb/sth↔ˈdown ( NAmE) ( informal) 1 to search a person or place in a very thorough way 彻底搜查(某人、某地) related noun shakedown 2 to threaten sb in order to get money from them 勒索;敲诈 ˌshake sb↔ˈoff to get away from sb who is chasing or following you 摆脱,甩掉(某人) ˈshake on sth to shake hands in order to show that sth has been agreed 握手确认(达成共识) They shook on the deal. 他们达成了协议,相互握手祝贺。 Let's shake on it. 让我们握手庆贺取得一致。 ˌshake sth↔ˈout to open or spread sth by shaking, especially so that bits of dirt, dust, etc. come off it 抖开;将(某物)抖干净 to shake out a duster 把抹布抖干净 ˌshake sb↔ˈup to surprise sb and make them think about sth in a different way, become more active, etc. 震动;激励;使震惊不安 ˌshake sth↔ˈup to make important changes in an organization, a profession, etc. in order to make it more efficient 彻底调整;重组(机构、行业等) related noun shake-up noun movement 动作 1 [countable ,  usually singular ] an act of shaking sth/sb 摇动;抖动;颤动 Give the bottle a good shake before opening. 打开瓶子前,先使劲摇一摇。 He dismissed the idea with a firm shake of his head (= turning it from side to side to mean ‘no’). 他坚定地摇了摇头,否定了那个想法。 She gave him a shake to wake him. 她摇摇他,把他叫醒。 see also handshake of body 身体 2 the shakes [plural ] ( informal) a physical condition in which you cannot stop your body from shaking because of fear, illness, or because you have drunk too much alcohol 颤抖;战栗;哆嗦 I always get the shakesbefore exams. 考试前,我总是紧张得发抖。 drink 饮料 3 [countable ] = milkshake a strawberry shake 一杯草莓奶昔 IDIOM in two ˈshakes | in a couple of ˈshakes ( informal) very soon 立刻;马上 more at fair adj. , great adj. shake / ʃeɪk ; NAmE ʃeɪk / shook / ʃʊk ; NAmE ʃʊk / shaken / ˈʃeɪkən ; NAmE ˈʃeɪkən /
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