restore 英 [rɪˈstɔ:(r)]   美 [rɪˈstɔr, -ˈstor]


restore  英 [rɪˈstɔ:(r)] 美 [rɪˈstɔr, -ˈstor]

vt. 恢复;归还  vi. 恢复;还原 

进行时:restoring  过去式:restored  过去分词:restored  第三人称单数:restores 

Order was quickly restored after the riots. 暴乱过后秩序很快得到了恢复。
The operation restored his sight. 手术使他恢复了视力。

  • If you restore furniture for a living, you clean and repair it to bring it back to its original beauty.
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  • vt. 恢复;归还
  • vi. 恢复;还原
  • 1. Order was quickly restored after the riots.


  • 2. The operation restored his sight.


  • 3. He is now fully restored to health.


  • 4. Her job is restoring old paintings.


  • 5. to restore ancient traditions


  • restore (v.) c. 1300, "to give back," also, "to build up again, repair," from Old French restorer, from Latin restaurare "repair, rebuild, renew," from re- "back, again" (see re-) + -staurare, as in instaurare "to set up, establish; renew, restore," from PIE *stau-ro-, from root *sta- "to stand, make or be firm." Related: Restored; restoring.
re·store AWL / rɪˈstɔː(r) ; NAmE rɪˈstɔːr / verb 1 restoresth (to sb) to bring back a situation or feeling that existed before 恢复(某种情况或感受) The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy. 这些举措旨在恢复公众对经济的信心。 Order wasquickly restoredafter the riots. 暴乱过后秩序很快得到了恢复。 Such kindness restores your faith in human nature (= makes you believe most people are kind). 这样的善心使人又一次感到人性善良。 The operation restored his sight (= made him able to see again). 手术使他恢复了视力。 2 restoresb/sth to sth to bring sb/sth back to a former condition, place or position 使复原;使复位;使复职 He is now fully restored to health. 他现在完全恢复了健康。 We hope to restorethe garden to its former glory (= make it as beautiful as it used to be). 我们想把这花园变得和过去一样美丽。 3 restoresth to repair a building, work of art, piece of furniture, etc. so that it looks as good as it did originally 修复;整修;使复原 Her job is restoring old paintings. 她的工作是修复旧画。 4 restoresth to bring a law, tradition, way of working, etc. back into use 重新采用(或实施);恢复 SYN reintroduce to restore ancient traditions 恢复古老的传统 Some people argue that the death penalty should be restored. 有些人主张恢复死刑。 5 restoresth (to sb/sth) ( formal) to give sth that was lost or stolen back to sb 归还(失物、赃款等) The police have now restored the painting to its rightful owner. 警察已经把这幅油画归还给了它的合法主人。 restore restores restored restoring re·store / rɪˈstɔː(r) ; NAmE rɪˈstɔːr /
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