remove 英 [rɪˈmu:v]   美 [rɪˈmuv]


remove  英 [rɪˈmu:v] 美 [rɪˈmuv]

v. 移走,去除 

进行时:removing  过去式:removed  过去分词:removed  第三人称单数:removes  名词复数:removes 

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed. 非法停放的车辆将被拖走。
He removed his hand from her shoulder. 他将手从她的肩膀上拿开。

  • You can remove your name from a list, remove a stain from a t-shirt, or remove old furniture from your house. Whatever it is, when you remove something, you take it somewhere else or get rid of it completely.
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  • v. 移走,去除
  • 1. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed.


  • 2. He removed his hand from her shoulder.


  • 3. She removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes.


  • 4. She has had the tumour removed.


  • 5. The elections removed the government from power.


  • remove (n.) 1550s, "act of removing," from remove (v.). Sense of "distance or space by which any thing is removed from another" is attested from 1620s.
  • remove (v.) early 14c., "move, take away, dismiss," from Old French removoir "move, stir; leave, depart; take away," from Latin removere "move back or away, take away, put out of view, subtract," from re- "back, away" (see re-) + movere "to move" (from PIE root *meue- "to push away"). Related: Removed; removing.
re·move AWL / rɪˈmuːv ; NAmE rɪˈmuːv / verb , noun remove removes removed removing verb 1 to take sth/sb away from a place 移开;拿开;去掉;从…机构开除 removesth/sb Illegally parked vehicles will be removed. 非法停放的车辆将被拖走。 removesth/sb from sth/sb He removed his hand from her shoulder. 他将手从她的肩膀上拿开。 Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour. 三个孩子因持续行为不检被学校开除。 2 removesth to take off clothing, etc. from the body 脱去(衣服等);摘下 She removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes. 她摘下眼镜,揉了揉眼睛。 3 to get rid of sth unpleasant, dirty, etc; to make sth disappear 去除,排除(污渍、不愉快的事物等);使消失 removesth She has had the tumour removed. 她已经将肿瘤切除了。 to remove problems/obstacles/objections 解决问题;排除障碍;消除异议 removesth from sb/sth The news removed any doubts about the company's future. 这个消息消除了一切有关公司前景的疑虑。 4 removesb from sth to dismiss sb from their position or job 免除,解除(职务等) The elections removed the government from power. 这次选举使得政府倒台。 IDIOMS once, twice, etc. reˈmoved (of a cousin 堂亲或表亲 ) belonging to a different generation 隔代的 He's my cousin's son so he's my first cousin once removed. 他是我表兄的儿子,所以他是我隔了一代的表亲。 be far/further/furthest removed from sth to be very different from sth; to not be connected with sth 与…大相迳庭;与…不相干 Many of these books are far removed from the reality of the children's lives. 很多这样的书都远远地脱离了孩子们的现实生活。 noun [countable ,  uncountable ] ( formal) an amount by which two things are separated 距离;差距;间距 Charlotte seemed to be living at one removefrom reality. 夏洛特好像生活在现实之外。 re·move / rɪˈmuːv ; NAmE rɪˈmuːv /
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