rebuild 英 [ˌri:ˈbɪld]   美 [riˈbɪld]


rebuild  英 [ˌri:ˈbɪld] 美 [riˈbɪld]

v. 重建;重组 

进行时:rebuilding  过去式:rebuilt  过去分词:rebuilt  第三人称单数:rebuilds  名词复数:rebuilds 

After the earthquake, the people set about rebuilding their homes. 地震过后,人们开始重建家园。
When she lost her job, she had to rebuild her lifecompletely. 她丢了工作以后,不得不彻底重新安排自己的生活。

  • When you construct something again, you rebuild it. If the chair you made from scraps of wood collapses when you sit in it, you can either rebuild it or give up on the idea of making your own furniture.
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  • v. 重建;重组
  • 1. After the earthquake, the people set about rebuilding their homes.


  • 2. When she lost her job, she had to rebuild her lifecompletely.


  • 3. attempts to rebuild the shattered post-war economy


  • rebuild (v.) c. 1600 (implied in rebuilding), from re- "back, again" + build (v.). Related: Rebuilt.
re·build / ˌriːˈbɪld ; NAmE ˌriːˈbɪld / verb ( re·built , re·built / ˌriːˈbɪlt ; NAmE ˌriːˈbɪlt / ) 1 rebuildsth to build or put sth together again 重建;重组;重新装配 After the earthquake, the people set about rebuilding their homes. 地震过后,人们开始重建家园。 He rebuilt the engine using parts from cars that had been scrapped. 他用废弃的汽车零件重新组装了发动机。 2 rebuildsth to make sth/sb complete and strong again 使复原;使恢复 When she lost her job, she had to rebuild her lifecompletely. 她丢了工作以后,不得不彻底重新安排自己的生活。 attempts to rebuild the shattered post-war economy 为恢复支离破碎的战后经济所作的尝试 rebuild rebuilds rebuilt rebuilding re·build / ˌriːˈbɪld ; NAmE ˌriːˈbɪld / re·built / ˌriːˈbɪlt ; NAmE ˌriːˈbɪlt /
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