range 英 [reɪndʒ]   美 [rendʒ]


range  英 [reɪndʒ] 美 [rendʒ]

n. 范围,系列;山脉  vi. 范围,变化 

进行时:ranging  过去式:ranged  过去分词:ranged  第三人称单数:ranges  名词复数:ranges 

The hotel offers a wide range offacilities. 这家酒店提供各种各样的设施。
Most of the students are in the 17-20 age range. 大多数学生都是在 17 至 20 岁的年龄范围内。

  • The word range refers to a variety of things or to an area in which something operates. The store offers the living room set in a range of colors. What's the range of that remote-controlled airplane?
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  • n. 范围,系列;山脉
  • vi. 范围,变化
  • 1. The hotel offers a wide range offacilities.


  • 2. Most of the students are in the 17-20 age range.

    大多数学生都是在 17 至 20 岁的年龄范围内。

  • 3. There will be an increase in the range of 0 to 3 per cent.

    将会有 0 到 3 个百分点的增长幅度。

  • 4. This was outside the range of his experience.


  • 5. The child was now out of her range of vision .


  • 6. These missiles have a range of 300 miles.

    这些导弹的射程为 300 英里。

  • 7. the great mountain range of the Alps


  • 8. a shooting range


  • 9. to range in size from A to B

    尺寸在 A 到 B 间变动

  • 10. She has had a number of different jobs, ranging from chef to swimming instructor.


  • 11. The delegates ranged themselves around the table.


  • 12. Her eyes ranged the room.


  • range (n.) c. 1200, "row or line of persons" (especially hunters or soldiers), from Old French range "range, rank" (see range (v.)). General sense of "line, row" is from early 14c.; meaning "row of mountains" is from 1705.
  • range (v.) c. 1200, rengen, "move over a large area, roam with the purpose of searching or hunting," from Old French ranger, earlier rengier "to place in a row, arrange; get into line," from reng "row, line," from Frankish *hring or some other Germanic source, from Proto-Germanic *hringaz "circle, ring, something curved," from nasalized form of PIE root *sker- (2) "to turn, bend." Sense of "to arrange in rows" is recorded from c. 1300; intransitive sense of "exist in a row or rows" is from c. 1600. Related: Ranged; ranging.
range AWL / reɪndʒ ; NAmE reɪndʒ / noun , verb range ranges ranged ranging noun variety 种类 1 [countable ,  usually singular ] range(of sth) a variety of things of a particular type 一系列 The hotel offers a wide range offacilities. 这家酒店提供各种各样的设施。 There is a full range ofactivities for children. 这里有给孩子们提供的各种活动。 limits 界限 2 [countable ,  usually singular ] the limits between which sth varies (变动或浮动的)范围,界限,区域 Most of the students are in the 17-20 age range. 大多数学生都是在 17 至 20 岁的年龄范围内。 There will be an increase in the range of0 to 3 per cent. 将会有 0 到 3 个百分点的增长幅度。 It's difficult to find a house in our price range (= that we can afford). 在我们的价格范围以内,很难找到房子。 This was outside the range of his experience. 这超出了他的阅历。 of products 产品 3 [countable ] a set of products of a particular type 类;种 our new range of hair products 我们的新的头发产品系列 see also mid-range , top of the range distance 距离 4 [countable ,  uncountable ] the distance over which sth can be seen or heard 视觉(或听觉)范围 The child was now out of her range of vision (= not near enough for her to see). 这孩子已经走出了她的视线。 5 [countable ,  uncountable ] the distance over which a gun or other weapon can hit things 射程;射击距离 These missiles have a range of 300 miles. 这些导弹的射程为 300 英里。 see also close-range , long-range , short-range 6 [countable ] the distance that a vehicle will travel before it needs more fuel (车辆)加一次油可行的路程 of mountains 7 [countable ] a line or group of mountains or hills 山脉 the great mountain range of the Alps 雄伟的阿尔卑斯山脉 for shooting 射击 8 [countable ] an area of land where people can practise shooting or where bombs, etc. can be tested 靶场;射击场;炸弹试验场 a shooting range 射击场 see also driving range , rifle range oven 炉子 9 [countable ] a large piece of equipment that can burn various fuels and is kept hot all the time, used for cooking, especially in the past (尤指旧时的)炉灶 10 ( NAmE) = stove Cook the meat on a low heat on top of the range. 把肉放在炉灶上用文火炖着。 for cows 乳牛 11 the range [singular ] ( NAmE) a large open area for keeping cows, etc. 牧场;乳牛场 see also free-range IDIOMS in/within ˈrange (of sth) near enough to be reached, seen or heard 在可及的范围内;在视觉(或听觉)范围内 He shouted angrily at anyone within range. 他看见谁就对谁吼叫。 out of ˈrange (of sth) too far away to be reached, seen or heard 超出…的范围;在视觉(或听觉)范围之外 The cat stayed well out of range of the children. 这只猫离孩子们远远的。 verb vary 变化 1 [intransitive ] to vary between two particular amounts, sizes, etc, including others between them (在一定的范围内)变化,变动 rangefrom A to B to range in size/length/pricefrom A to B 尺寸╱长度╱价格在 A 到 B 间变动 Accommodation ranges from tourist class to luxury hotels. 住宿档次从经济旅馆至豪华酒店不等。 rangebetween A and B Estimates of the damage range between $1 million and $5 million. 估计损失在 100 万到 500 万元之间。 2 [intransitive ] to include a variety of different things in addition to those mentioned 包括(从…到…)之间的各类事物 rangefrom A to B She has had a number of different jobs, ranging from chef to swimming instructor. 她做过许多不同的工作,从厨师到游泳教练。 + adv./prep. The conversation ranged widely (= covered a lot of different topics). 谈话所涉及的范围很广。 see also wide-ranging arrange 安排 3 [transitive ,  usually passive ] rangesb/sth/yourself + adv./prep. ( formal) to arrange people or things in a particular position or order (按一定位置或顺序)排列,排序 The delegates ranged themselves around the table. 代表依次在桌子周围就座。 Spectators were ranged along the whole route of the procession. 旁观者排列在整个游行路线的两侧。 move around 徘徊 4 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to move around an area 徘徊;漫步;四处移动 + adv./prep. He ranges far and wide in search of inspiration for his paintings. 他四处漫步,寻找绘画的灵感。 rangesth Her eyes ranged the room. 她的目光在屋子里来回扫视。 PHRASAL VERBS ˌrange yourself/sb aˈgainst/ˈwith sb/sth [usually passive ] to join with other people to oppose or support sb/sth (使)结伙反对╱支持… The whole family seemed ranged against him. 全家人好像在合伙对付他。 ˈrange over sth to include a variety of different subjects 涉及;包括 His lecture ranged over a number of topics. 他的讲座涉及许多话题。 range / reɪndʒ ; NAmE reɪndʒ /
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