radiant 英 [ˈreɪdiənt]   美 [ˈrediənt]


radiant  英 [ˈreɪdiənt] 美 [ˈrediənt]

adj. 辐射的;容光焕发的;光芒四射的 

a radiant smile 喜气洋洋的微笑
The bride looked radiant. 新娘看上去满面春风。

  • The adjective radiant is useful for describing anything that glows with warmth or light. When you open your eyes on a sunny summer morning and see your curtains glowing with sunlight, you can call them radiant.
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  • adj. 辐射的;容光焕发的;光芒四射的
  • 1. a radiant smile


  • 2. The bride looked radiant.


  • 3. She was radiant with health.


  • 4. The sun was radiant in a clear blue sky.


  • 5. the radiant heat the sun, the radiant energy of the sun


  • 6. radiantly happy


  • 7. He smiled radiantly.


  • radiant (adj.) mid-15c., from Middle French radiant and directly from Latin radiantem (nominative radians) "beaming, shining," present participle of radiare "to beam, shine" (see radiation). Of beauty, etc., first attested c. 1500. Related: Radiantly.
  • radiant (n.) "point or object from which light radiates," 1727; see radiant (adj.). In astronomy, of meteor showers, from 1864.
ra·di·ant / ˈreɪdiənt ; NAmE ˈreɪdiənt / adjective 1 showing great happiness, love or health 喜气洋洋的;容光焕发的;面色红润的 a radiant smile 喜气洋洋的微笑 The bride looked radiant. 新娘看上去满面春风。 radiantwith sth She was radiant with health. 她身体健康,容光焕发。 2 giving a warm bright light 灿烂的;光芒四射的 The sun was radiant in a clear blue sky. 湛蓝的天空阳光灿烂。 3 [only before noun ] ( technical 术语 ) sent out in raysfrom a central point 辐射的;放射的 the radiant heat/energyof the sun 太阳的辐射热╱辐射能 ra·di·ant·ly / ˈreɪdiəntli ; NAmE ˈreɪdiəntli / adverb radiantly happy 喜气洋洋 He smiled radiantly. 他喜笑颜开。 radiant radiants ra·di·ant / ˈreɪdiənt ; NAmE ˈreɪdiənt / ra·di·ant·ly / ˈreɪdiəntli ; NAmE ˈreɪdiəntli /
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