prosperity 英 [prɒˈsperəti]   美 [prɑˈsperəti]


prosperity  英 [prɒˈsperəti] 美 [prɑˈsperəti]

n. 繁荣,成功 


Our future prosperity depends on economic growth. 我们未来的繁荣昌盛依赖经济的发展。
The country is enjoying a period of peace and prosperity. 国家正值太平盛世。

  • Use prosperity to refer to the state of being successful. In the US, the decades following World War II were characterized by rising prosperity, with large numbers moving into the middle class.
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  • n. 繁荣,成功
  • 1. Our future prosperity depends on economic growth.


  • 2. The country is enjoying a period of peace and prosperity.


  • prosperity (n.) c. 1200, from Old French prosprete (12c., Modern French prospérité) and directly from Latin prosperitatem (nominative prosperitas) "good fortune," from prosperus (see prosper).
pros·per·ity / prɒˈsperəti ; NAmE prɑːˈsperəti / noun [uncountable ] the state of being successful, especially in making money 兴旺;繁荣;成功;昌盛 SYN affluence Our future prosperity depends on economic growth. 我们未来的繁荣昌盛依赖经济的发展。 The country is enjoying a period of peace and prosperity. 国家正值太平盛世。 prosperity prosperities pros·per·ity / prɒˈsperəti ; NAmE prɑːˈsperəti /
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