pollution 英 [pəˈlu:ʃn]   美 [pəˈluʃən]


pollution  英 [pəˈlu:ʃn] 美 [pəˈluʃən]

n. 污染  phrase. 污染物 


air pollution, water pollution 空气╱水污染
levels of environmental pollution 环境污染的程度

  • Pollution is unwanted, harmful stuff contaminating an environment. The race to develop clean energy is motivated by high levels of pollution that people fear are permanently damaging the earth's environment.
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  • n. 污染
  • phrase. 污染物
  • 1. air pollution, water pollution


  • 2. levels of environmental pollution


  • 3. beaches covered with pollution


  • pollution (n.) mid-14c., "discharge of semen other than during sex," later, "desecration, defilement" (late 14c.), from Late Latin pollutionem (nominative pollutio) "defilement," noun of action from past participle stem of Latin polluere "to soil, defile, contaminate," from por- "before" + -luere "smear," from PIE root *leu- "dirt; make dirty" (see lutose). Sense of "contamination of the environment" first recorded c. 1860, but not common until c. 1955.
pol·lu·tion / pəˈluːʃn ; NAmE pəˈluːʃn / noun [uncountable ] 1 the process of making air, water, soil, etc. dirty; the state of being dirty 污染;玷污;弄脏 air/water pollution 空气╱水污染 to reduce levels of environmental pollution 降低环境污染的程度 collocationsat environment 2 substances that make air, water, soil, etc. dirty 污染物;秽物;垃圾 beaches covered with pollution 秽物狼藉的海滩 3 noise/light ~ harmful or annoying levels of noise, or of artificial light at night 噪音污染;(夜间扰人的)强烈灯光 pollution pollutions pol·lu·tion / pəˈluːʃn ; NAmE pəˈluːʃn /
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