playhouse 英 [ˈpleɪhɑʊs]   美 [ˈpleˌhaʊs]


playhouse  英 [ˈpleɪhɑʊs] 美 [ˈpleˌhaʊs]

n. 剧场;玩具房屋;儿童游戏室 


Visitors can also enjoy an evening at the Jackson Hole playhouse. 在杰克逊剧场,游客还可以度过一个美好的夜晚。
It also has the La Mirada Theatre, a well-known regional playhouse, and golf facilities, including the La Mirada Golf Course. 它还拥有著名的地区剧场拉米拉达剧院和高尔夫设施,其中包括拉米拉达高尔夫球场。

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  • n. 剧场;玩具房屋;儿童游戏室
  • 1. Visitors can also enjoy an evening at the Jackson Hole playhouse.


  • 2. It also has the La Mirada Theatre, a well-known regional playhouse, and golf facilities, including the La Mirada Golf Course.


  • 3. Many Hollywood actors were drawn into the church by a friend or by reading “Dianetics”; a surprising number of them, though, came through the Beverly Hills playhouse.


  • playhouse (n.) late Old English pleghus; see play (n.) + house (n.).
play·house / ˈpleɪhɑʊs ; NAmE ˈpleɪhɑʊs / noun 1 used in names of theatres (用于剧场名称)剧院 the Liverpool Playhouse 利物浦剧院 2 ( BrE also ˈWendy house ) a model of a house large enough for children to play in 游戏房(供儿童进入玩耍的大模型房子) playhouse playhouses play·house / ˈpleɪhɑʊs ; NAmE ˈpleɪhɑʊs /
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