pane 英 [peɪn]   美 [pen]


pane  英 [peɪn] 美 [pen]

n. 窗格;边;面;窗格玻璃;嵌板  vt. 装窗玻璃于;镶嵌板于 


However the Input pane only shows three inputs. 可是输入窗格只显示出三个输入框。
You can use this pane to create customized graphs. 您可以使用此窗格创建自定义的图表。

  • A pane is a piece of glass, especially one that fits into a window frame. If you hit your baseball through your neighbors' kitchen window, you'll probably owe them a new pane.
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  • n. 窗格;边;面;窗格玻璃;嵌板
  • vt. 装窗玻璃于;镶嵌板于
  • 1. However the Input pane only shows three inputs.


  • 2. You can use this pane to create customized graphs.


  • 3. Click on the human task pane in the human task editor to see the human task properties tabs.


  • pane (n.) mid-13c., "garment, part of a garment," later "side of a building, section of a wall," from Old French pan "section, piece, panel" (11c.), from Latin pannum (nominative pannus) "piece of cloth, garment," possibly from PIE root *pan- "fabric" (source also of Gothic fana "piece of cloth," Greek penos "web," Old English fanna "flag"). Sense of "window glass" first attested mid-15c.
pane / peɪn ; NAmE peɪn / noun a single sheet of glass in a window (一片)窗玻璃 a pane of glass 一片窗玻璃 a windowpane 一块窗玻璃 pane panes pane / peɪn ; NAmE peɪn /
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